Goals for June 2018
Summer is here! I cannot believe that we are in June already. I am trying to stay more focused so I am putting my goals out there. The late Zig Zigler used to say, " If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time ." Financial - Put 15% into retirement - Put $1000 into the college fund - Put $500 into the project fund - Grocery Budget of $400 - List 25 new items on eBay and Craigslist - Work extra shifts when available Health - Go for a walk 3 times a week - Workout for 15 minutes 3 times a week - Lose 8 pounds - Get cracked filling fixed Garden - Finish planting small garden - Plant more lettuce seeds - Put poles in garden for tomato plants - Weed 3 times a week - Finish digging out tree stump Family - Go on a date with Hubby - Celebrate OD birthday - Celebrate Father's Day - YD finish out junior year of High School - Visit 3 colleges with YD Personal -Facetime with OD every week -Read 2 books -Make someone a meal ...