August 2018 Goals

August is a 3 paycheck month for Hubby. Twice a year he gets an extra check and this is one of those months. Perfect timing since my son's college payment is due and we are starting work on our driveway. We already have the funds for both but if we can cash flow some of it, then we don't have to take so much out of savings. 

- Put 15% into retirement.
- Pay cash for fall semester for our son
- Pay for first part of driveway
- Grocery Budget of $400 average for the year
- List 25 new items on eBay and Craigslist. 
- Work extra shifts when available. 
- Spend $1000 or less on vacation
- Pay for son's college books 
- Go over our budget with Hubby
- Go over the kids budgets with each of them. 

- Go for a walk 5 times a week. 
- Lose 5 pounds

- Weed at least 3 times a week.  
- Plant more lettuce seeds as I pick lettuce
- Plant peas and kale for fall pickings
- Dehydrate herbs as they are ready
- Chop and freeze peppers for winter use
- Can tomatoes as them become available
- Barter for more honey and other items
- Freeze excess squash
- Make pickles 

- Go on vacation
Go on a date with Hubby 
- Go to Billy Joel concert
- Visit a college with YD 
- Son start fall semester of college
- YD take Senior pictures

- Facetime with OD every week. 
- Read 2 books 
- Make someone a meal that needs it. 
- Write 2 cards or letters. 

- Clean out and defrost chest freezer
- Clean out kitchen freezer
- Find 10 items in basement that can be listed online
- Have kids go through clothes and see if they need anything for school


- Use up food that is past/near use by date from food storage
- Do one meatless meal a day.
- Do one day a week with no meat at all. 
- Try 2 new recipes.  
- Get another pantry item to 6 months. 
- No food waste. 
- Use garden produce over buying

- Schedule YD's road test
- Take YD driving at least 4 times a week to get ready for road test
- Add YD to car insurance
- Get YD AAA card
- Get truck back on the road
- Son get parking permit at college
- YD get parking permit at HS

Do you set goals every month? what are your goals for August? 


  1. That's a hefty list! I love making lists like that because I figure that even if I only get most of it done, and not absolutely all of it, I still am way ahead of where I would be without the list! Good luck on getting it done.

    In August, I also need to re-wardrobe my youngest daughter. I don't usually buy a lot before school starts, but she has literally outgrown most of her things. I have been buying one thing here, and one there all summer, including 3 pairs of jeans at a yard sale that I cut off for shorts. Those have gotten her through the summer, but fall is coming.

    I will spend a lot of time working in the garden and preserving food.

    We hope to go camping at the end of the month.

    I will work (for money) with my niece and nephew. My husband is also doing that job this summer, and it looks like there will be enough hours in the fall for him to continue that since my niece is done with her program and needs extra personal care worker hours, as his other job ended in June. Between the 2 of us working, it will be like living on one salary, but we think we can make it. I can't physically put in a full-time week with all else I need to do for our own family, and he has some medical issues that need to be addressed, so we are going to do this for a while so he can get those taken care of.

    1. I know its a long list but like you said I would rather try and get most of it done then not put it on there.

      These kids just keep growing. I don't think they really need much. I always stock up on socks with sales and coupons. YD did get some clothes for her birthday. I have a stockpile of school supplies and they just take what they need. They both have good backpacks that they have been using the last few years. I like them to go through their closets so they see what is there. Sometimes they forget about a piece of clothing that is brand new. They can also pull out anything that may need to be mended or is too small. My YD and a few friends are getting together to do a clothes swap. They have been doing it the last few years. They all get new to them clothes without spending money.

      I am sure you and Rob will work it all out. You are both very resourceful. I hope that Rob gets the medical care that he needs now that you have insurance again. I am sending you lots of hugs and prayers.

  2. What a fantastic list! I may have to borrow some of it.

  3. That is what this blog is all about. helping each other out.

  4. Hi Mcoia and I love your really comprehensive goals lists and I hope you can complete them all :).

    Here is our goals list for August -

    Financial -

    - Bank as much into our home deposit account as possible.
    - Try and recoup some of the extra funds from buying our new chainsaws and bed by being under category in most budget categories and by earning money from sales on eBay.
    - Continue to list unlisted items on eBay to earn extra income.
    - Put in our tax return and bank the funds into our home deposit savings account.
    - Put our car in for it's yearly service.
    - Keep an eye out on eBay for when our grocery stores discount e-vouchers come around and purchase some with grocery money already put away in our account.
    - Continue to add funds to our pantry stock up, home and bank emergency funds.

    In the gardens -

    - Continue to harvest and dry any herbs and lavender in the gardens.
    - As vegetables are ripe continue to harvest them and preserve them for food storage.
    - Weed, spade edge and mulch gardens as needed.
    - Cut another load of firewood to top us up for this winter and next.

    In the house -

    - Deep clean the inside, outside and yard ready for our rental inspection on the 13th of August.
    - Cook all meals and bread from scratch.
    - Keep up with general housework in between garden harvesting, preserving and selling routines.

    Personal -

    - Spend quality time with DH and celebrate our 13th wedding anniversary later in the month.
    - Take time to ready the scriptures by subject.
    - Concentrate on having some me time.
    - Sew some more bread bags for my internet shop to replace ones that are sold.

    All I can think of at the moment :).


    1. That is a great goal list. I hope you get it all done. Have a wonderful anniversary.


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