June 2019 Goals Updated

June was crazy busy but we got so much done. The house looks amazing. We didn't get to do everything but we got more done then we thought we would. 

- Put 15% into retirement. Thanks 401K
Grocery Budget of $500 average for the year. I spent $581. My monthly average is $510.37. We had the graduation party, OD and her boyfriend home for several days and several birthdays and Fathers day were celebrated. We would have spent much more eating out. 
- Go over our budget with Hubby We do this every month. 
- Go over the kid's budgets with each of them. Did it. 
- YD apply for scholarships.She applied to 3. This is a slow time for scholarships.
- Go to Scholarship night at high school. We went and YD did wonderful. We are very proud of her. 

- Celebrate OD's birthday How is my baby 26?
- YD Prom She looked beautiful, had a great time and came in under budget. 
- YD Graduation She ranked 14th in her class. We are so proud. 
- YD graduation party Over and done. It was hot out but it didn't rain. 
- Go on a date with Hubby If going to Home Depot and Ikea counts then we went on lots of dates this month. We did go to a wedding by ourselves and had a nice evening. 
- Talk with OD at least 5 times a week. We talk and text almost every day. 
- OD come home for a visit She came home with Ruby and the fiance. We fed them well and they helped us with the party. 
- Pick up prom dress Did it
- Go to SIL's wedding It was very nice
- Send out birthday, anniversary and father's day cards and gifts All done early

- Work out 15 minutes every other day. I did lots of yard work and painting so I am counting it. 
- Go for walks every other day Nope. Sorry Oreo. 
- Read 2 books  There was no time to read

- Do one meatless meal a day. I think we missed this 4 times. 
- Do one day a week with no meat at all. We had 4 this month
- Try 2 new recipes.  I don't think we did any. My brain is fried so who really knows. 
- Get another pantry item to 6 months. I got a bunch of clearance meds that should get us through next winter
- No food waste.  Jelly had mold so it got tossed. 

- Clean fence My son did most of it. YD and I did some. It looks great

Garden/ Yard
- Finish planting large garden Done although several plants did not make it through all of the rain. 
- Plant small garden Nope. I am hoping to get some bush beans and more lettuce in their still. 
- Plant more lettuce seeds for later pickings Nope
- Put fresh mulch in gardens They look wonderful. 
- Plant flowers in pots Did a bunch and they are beautiful. 
- Plant flowers and herbs in the front garden beds Ran out of time. 
- Do stone border around front flower bed Ran out of money and time. 

- Paint kitchen Did
- Paint side porch Did
- Paint shed Did

Did you accomplish all of your June goals? 


  1. You have been so crazy busy. It sounds like you have a lot to show for it😄

    I hope you can have a little breather now. I’ll bet you are asking yourself when you ever had time for that job you used to have!!! 🤪

    1. I am working 2 days a week now for 5 hours each day helping an elderly gentlemen. I do light cleaning, cooking, take him food shopping and out and about. It has been really nice. The home improvement fund is at $0 so we have to save up $ before we can do anything else. Right now I need to focus on the garden.

  2. Wow, you accomplished so much in June. Kudos to you. I would be counting yard work as exercise too. :)

    1. I know why farmers are in such good shape. I only do a few hours a day and am exhausted. And I do it in the early morning and evening. I'm not doing it during the hottest part of the day.


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