First Garden Harvest 2020

I hope everyone is healthy and doing alright with our new normal. When the weather permits I have been out side working on the gardens. My kale never died the winter because it was so mild. It recently started growing again. 

I was able to pick a nice bunch this morning. I will be incorporating it into our meals this week. YD loves smoothies and always tosses some kale in. The gardening season has finally begin!

Have you harvested anything from your garden yet this year? 


  1. Just a small handful of snow peas and a couple of green onions that overwintered. But, a bunch of things are growing and it won't be long! I can't wait. Right now, we spend quite a bit on produce. It will be so nice to not have to spend that money, and to have it handy in the back yard when that day comes.

    It's early to plant tomatoes, peppers, squash, etc. out, but volunteer cucumbers popped up in the garden from last year's old lemon cucumber bush, so I'm going to put a few plants out and see what happens.

    1. Well Rob looks great so keep the veggies coming. I love shopping in my garden. I love looking at pictures of all of your canned produce. We will be busy soon.

  2. YAY! Good for you. It is always nice to hear about the first harvests of the year. Nothing planted here yet - but soon. I did harvest chives a couple times last week.

    1. They count. Most of my garden isn't planted yet either. I did start my seeds indoors for several things and most of them are doing well.

  3. I have picked enough for a dozen salads for both of us of Romaine, red lettuce, and kale. I used kale in bean soup.

    1. That is great. My lettuce plants are just babies. Soon.

  4. I love kale. I have so many tomatoes

  5. Your kale is beautiful, Marybeth. It's great that it never died this winter. :)

  6. Hope all is well. I loved reading your blog. It inspired me.


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