Adding to My Pantry

Friday I went to a bunch of stores. I was out getting donations for a Church event that I am helping with. Since I was near the stores already, I stopped in. I sure am glad I did. I got chicken breasts on the bone marked down to 99¢ a pound. That is an amazing price for where I live. So I bought them all. I'm really glad that we have been using up last summers produce from the freezer so that I had room. 

I also got ground pork for $1.99 a pound which is a good price. I try to keep meat to $2 a pound except for steak because I never see it at that price.  Last year I did find flank steaks at $3.99 a pound so I stocked up on them.  We are getting low on them so I am hoping around Memorial day steaks will go on sale. 

I also got a gallon of milk for $2.99 and ice cream on sale for $1.99. Stop & Shop total was $31.03.

I went to CVS because I had $5 in ECB and a rain check for tuna. The tuna was finally in. It had been on sale for 88¢ each and I was allowed 10. The candy bar was free with a coupon I had gotten in the mail.

Total at CVS was $3.84

Lastly I went to Meat Farms on Friday. They also had meat marked down. I got sausage meat for $1.99 a pound. and Italian sweet sausages for $1.99 a pound.

 They had cheese ends $2.29 a pound. We like to pick on these. They are really good.

I got an assortment of fruit for $1.59.

I thought 10 pieces of fruit for $1.59 was good. Mangoes were a $1.29 a piece at the store, so that makes everything else 30¢. I also got 1/2 a pound of roastbeef cold cuts for $4 and a loaf of Italian bread for 93¢. Total at Meat Farms was $19.05

Monday I went to Aldi for our everyday groceries. Total was $25.96

I was at work Tuesday and I got a text from my youngest daughter. She wanted to know could she finish the ice cream. I said sure. Then my brain went What ice cream? The one I bought Friday? She said yes. So I stopped at Stop & Shop on the way home since the sale is still going on. I got 2 this time, $1.99 each.

I hit the marked down racks too. Shampoo was marked down to $1.37 each. I bought 4. It was all they had.

They also had eggs marked down. Usually it is because some broke, so some are missing. I got 2 packs.

Total for Stop & Shop was $11.36

Hubby also ordered some pods for the Nespresso machine. We have Amazon Prime so free shipping. They were $9.49

We have been harvesting kale from the garden for smoothies. Seeds got planted for 3 kinds of tomatoes, 3 kinds of peppers and lettuce in my mini greenhouse. Peas got planted in the garden. Soon we should be having lots of fresh veggies.

My total for the week came to $100.73. Right on target and I got lots of chicken, tuna, sausage, and shampoo added to my pantry.

Did you add anything to your pantry this week? It is important to try to add something every week. 1 or 2 things extra every week really help build up your pantry over the course of a year. I would love to know what great deals you got this week? Anyone getting fruits and vegetables from your gardens?


  1. Weis is suppose to have leftover St. Pat's Day corned beef packages for $2 lb. this weekend but had them out and priced thusly on Tuesday when I went in so I got 3 small one for the freezer.

    1. Great, any meat for $2 and under is a great deal. Sometimes it is hard to find. We don't have Weis near us.

  2. Hi, this is Chris, who comments on Sluggy's blog sometimes. I found your blog through her, and wanted to let you know that I like your blog and have been following recently. I will try to leave a comment when I feel I have something to add to the conversation. I try to add to my pantry also, but we are empty nesters, and so don't go through things as fast as we did when our kids were home. Some of the things I have stocked on recently are the 5 x Sat. deals at Kroger if they are something we use. I always buy kitty litter when Target has the gift card deals, b/c I have gift cards to roll, and when I did the math, it is a stock up price. I haven't done a lot of the CVS deals for awhile now, since we have shelf clearers in our new area of town. You got some good deals this week.

    1. Thanks for coming over. My parents are also empty nesters and don't keep as much as they did when they had 5 kids at home. When I make soups I always freeze them some because they enjoy it. I do the Target gift card deals sometimes. CVS hasn't been as good on deals lately. We probably have shelf clearers too. I got a rain check. I knew they would get the tuna eventually. I have 5 CVSs in a 15 mile radius so I just stop at whichever one I am near.

  3. You know, I actually prefer chicken breasts on the bone to boneless, skinless, but they are becoming increasingly more difficult to find. When I do, $1.29/lb. is about the best price.

    1. I like them better on the BBQ. I think the boneless get too dry otherwise. For frying I prefer boneless.

  4. I always look for the markdown meat and produce. If I can't use all I buy I will share with my daughter and her family.

    1. If it is something that doesn't have to be frozen I always grab it for my mom and sisters. My mom and 3 of my sisters live in different states. One time after Christmas I got Ocean Spray cranberry sauce for 10¢ a can. I bought all of them. There were over seventy. The cashier thought I was crazy. We love cranberry sauce and so does my family. I was giving everyone 10 cans each. My mom finds great deals on decorative paper napkins and paper plates. She will grab them and bring them to all holidays and get togethers. When we have large groups it makes it easier.

  5. Hi and you got some really great deals on meat and other items this week how fantastic :) .

    We shop only once every two months here unless we see any clearance sales on items we have on our shopping list whilst we are on other errands in town.

    We did add to our pantry further by -
    - Buying another 3kg of apples on special for $1.99kg reduced from $3.50kg, 2kg of that I funded from the sale of silver beet from the gardens :).

    - Made 10 x 800g bags of apple pie filling for the freezer for future winter meals from the apples on special.

    - A friend dropped over and gave us a grocery bag full of lemons for free which we zested and juiced and put the zest and juice in the freezer and used some for the apple pie filling.
    - We blanched and froze 3.5 bunches of silver beet from the gardens adding 4 more meals for the two of us to the freezer.

    - We consider what we plant in the gardens as our pantry too. This week we planted a 6mt row of broccoli, a 2.4mt row of cauliflower and a 6mt row of snow pea seeds in the vegetable gardens.

    - Out of saved garden seeds we planted a 12 mt row of broad beans and a 6mt row of early Massey pea seeds in the gardens saving $10.85 over purchasing seeds in the garden centre.

    - We separated French lavender we picked from the gardens making another 26g for storage and sale and picked some more we are drying.

    - Whilst out of town we topped up 3 jerry cans of fuel at wholesale prices saving $11.25 on our small country town prices and now have a full increment of fuel. We keep around 12 months worth of fuel for our car and garden machinery in the shed along with fuel preservative and only top up on fuel when we see it at really cheap prices.

    All in all a pretty good week and we are happy with our progress. Sewingcreations15.


    1. That was really smart to bring the gas cans with you. Gas is going up and up here lately. My garden is a huge part of my pantry. It saves me a small fortune and I know exactly what is in it.

  6. I have never heard of cheese ends. That would be great to have. I am going to look and see if anyone around here sells them.

    1. They keep them in the deli department. I use them for mac n cheese, omelettes quiches, or just to snack on. They kids and I love cheese.


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