Goals for June 2018

Summer is here! I cannot believe that we are in June already. I am trying to stay more focused so I am putting my goals out there. The late Zig Zigler used to say, "If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time."  

- Put 15% into retirement
- Put $1000 into the college fund
- Put $500 into the project fund
- Grocery Budget of $400
- List 25 new items on eBay and Craigslist
- Work extra shifts when available

- Go for a walk 3 times a week
- Workout for 15 minutes 3 times a week
- Lose 8 pounds
- Get cracked filling fixed

- Finish planting small garden
- Plant more lettuce seeds 
- Put poles in garden for tomato plants
- Weed 3 times a week
- Finish digging out tree stump

Go on a date with Hubby
- Celebrate OD birthday
- Celebrate Father's Day 
- YD finish out junior year of High School
- Visit 3 colleges with YD

-Facetime with OD every week
-Read 2 books
-Make someone a meal that needs it
-Write 2 cards or letters

- Go through dresser in office
- Clean out laundry room
- Clean out pantry

- Do one meatless meal a day
- Do one day a week with no meat at all
- Try 2 new receipes
- Get another pantry item to 6 months
- No food waste

- Get my car inspected
- Hubby replace tail lights on truck

If anything changes throughout the month I will let you know. Did you set any goals for June? 


  1. Lots of good goals for you in June. I'll be setting mine up in the next few days.....

  2. Hi Mcoia they are great goals :) , good to see you have some personal ones as well as focusing on finances and garden and pantry.

    Here is our goals for the month -

    Financial -
    - Bank $100 a fortnight starting 13th of June into our personal account to cover pantry stock up using taking advantage of our e-vouchers that will come on once every 3 months. We have decided to move our grocery shopping out to 3 monthly if possible to take advantage of these savings.
    - Bank as much as we can into our saving for our home deposit account.
    - Bank any money from internet sales into our pantry budget.
    - List as many items as I can taking advantage of any free listings offered on eBay this month.

    Health -
    - Get over the flu we both have currently by eating well and taking additional vitamins and minerals purchased on sale to boost our immune system. We are not suffering nearly as badly as last years flu epidemic so our immune systems must be better. I and DH are allergic to the flu injection sadly :( so just have to go with the flow as I was asthmatic as a child.
    - Exercise by doing garden work and walking.
    - Take some time out when we get tired and have a almost do nothing day occasionally.

    Family -
    - Have a regular family home evening once a week where we cook treats together and read the scriptures.
    - Have regular impromptu family home meetings on finance and money saving ideas as we usually do.
    - Work together as a team also as we usually do.

    Personal -
    - Take some time out to do some sewing which I find relaxing.
    - Repair 2 items of clothing.
    - Take time to read something new and learn a new skill.
    - Do service for someone as we see opportunities. As like this week we were able to supply our student grocery delivery driver (great and friendly service) with some sweet potatoes to take home to feed their fellow student household with.

    Cleaning -
    - Wash and vacuum the car.
    - Work on cleaning and organising the 3 bay garage.
    - Deep clean the chapel as it is our turn on the roster.

    Gardening -
    - Supplement water newly planted vegetable seeds and seedlings as needed.
    - Build a support trellis for the peas and broad beans to climb up for support.
    - Mulch and weed the sweet potato and broad bean plants in the front gardens.
    - Repot lemon and mandarin trees into larger pots and buy citrus potting mix.
    - Weed as needed.
    - Harvest any ripe carrots and beetroot for juices and meals.
    - Trench compost any vegetable peelings into the vegetable garden beds.
    - Transplant any vegetable seedlings growing too close together beside the drip irrigation drippers in nursery beds.

    Food -
    - Finish our small amount of grocery shopping we need to do on the 12th.
    - Have some meatless meals.
    - Make a lemon cheesecake.
    - Smoke 2 chickens and other roasts in our BBQ smoker for meals and break up leftovers for the freezer for future meals.

    As usual hoping to get all of these done.


    1. Sorry you and your husband are not feeling well. I hope you feel better soon. That is a long list. I hope you can get it done.


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