Memorial Day 2018

Happy Memorial Day! Thank you to all of the men and women that serve our country. Thank you to all of the women and men that have given up everything so that I can safely sit in my house and write this. Thank you to all of your family and friends. We as Americans take for granted most of our freedoms. Today we should remember all of the women and men that gave up their lives so that we get to have our freedom. While I am with my friends and family, eating a nice BBQ I will remember the mother that no longer has her daughter, the father that no longer has his son, the wife that now is a widow, the child that no longer has a parent. Thank you is all I can say.  God Bless America! 


  1. Our thoughts go out to all those who are past and presently serving in all countries, thank you for what you do each and every day.

    We pray you will all come home safely. I always think of those families such as ourselves with loved ones suffering permanent injuries being cared for and those who didn't come home from their service.


  2. My mother was a WWII vet. I am so proud of her.

    1. Thank you for her service. My dad is a veteran too.


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