Things that are making me happy...

Dave Ramsey! I listen to his podcast every day while I cook. I wish I had found out about him and his plan when I was in my 20's. He has really changed Hubby and my future. My son gave me a book of his for Mother's Day. I am loving it. Thanks Dave!

Homemade mac n cheese! Quick and easy to make and so yummy. After work and then running around with YD I needed something easy so I made some for dinner. The great thing about it was I kept some pasta on the side for Hubby and put his non dairy cheese on his so he was happy too. Comfort food, you are wonderful.

Star Wars! The new Solo movie is coming out tomorrow and I can't wait (Yes I'm a geek). Work is going to be crazy busy because of it but I don't care. Star Wars is worth it. 

My son! He emptied the dishwasher and washed all the dishes. He is such a good person. He didn't have work today so he cleaned up around the house for me since I am working 6 days straight. I love the man he is becoming. 

Ice Cream! Yes, I am addicted. I made a chocolate milk shake at home and it was wonderful. If I could live on only 1 food for the rest of my life it would be ice cream. This is why I will never be a size 4 and I am OK with that. 

What is making you happy today? There has got to be something. If you can't think of something maybe you need some ice cream too. Have a happy day! 


  1. Hi Mcoia and yes I think we all have to look at something that makes us happy each day such as a pretty flower, birds fluttering in the garden and more :).

    Today what made me happy was to visit a friend who is struggling financially with another friend and us just chatting on ways we reduce our grocery bills and can eat for less. We discussed things like cooking at home vs buying prepackaged food, buying produce in season and blanching a freezing it and how to make chicken Kiev's at home.

    It made me happy as we were all able to come up with lots of ways to reduce living expenses for her.

    Yesterday we were happy that we picked half a wheelbarrow load of sweet potatoes from the gardens which we will cure and blanch and freeze for future food stocks.


    1. Glad that you are able to encourage your friend. That is a lot of sweet potatoes. So happy for you.

  2. Oh Ice Cream makes me happy for sure! My new bird feeder with good bird feed is attracting all sorts of birds and it's a joy to watch them out my window!

  3. I forgot to say that I admire Dave Ramsey so much and his methods work!! I'm debt free and hope to stay that way. Frugal living helps!

  4. It really does. When we had debt I used to be so stressed. Its so much easier now.

  5. Sorry but I am not a Dave Ramsey fan. I believe in being debt free but I don't like that a preacher makes hugh profits off congregation member's misery.

    But; I am definitely a sci-fi star wars and ice cream fan.


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