Why I love Ibotta...

Do you use Ibotta? It is a  rebate app that you use to earn money when you go shopping.  I love it. Donna explains it better then I can here. My oldest daughter started using it last year. She asked me to try it through her referral. I was hooked. I started July 2017 and have made over $75 with shopping I would have done anyway. I already shop coupons and sales. This was just a way for me to take grocery shopping savings to the next level. It really only takes a few extra minutes to upload it onto my phone after I go shopping. Quick and easy works for me.

Ibotta offers bonuses. That is where I can make some money. This weekend they had multiple bonus that I could combine with things I already use. That is the trick for me. I want stuff we will eat/use. Yes, if it is free I will donate it or give it away but usually items don't end up being free or money makers. Saving me a quarter off of something that is $3 doesn't make me want to buy it.

Let me show you what I did this weekend. Oreos were on sale at Stop & Shop for $1.99 if you bought 3. Ibotta had a $3 rebate if you bought 3. I will take Oreos any day for 99¢ a pack. YD loves them. So do I.

Next, Arm and Hammer detergent was on sale for $1.99. I downloaded a $1 digital coupon to my card. Ibotta had $1.20 rebate on the sensitive skin version. So that is the one I bought. It became a 21¢ money maker. 

They had a bonus that if you did 2 offers between 5/1 and 5/5 you earned an extra $5.  It was called Add it up #1. Did that.

They then did Add it up Bonus #2 on 5/2 get $2 if you purchase 3 offers between 5/1 to 5/6.

Then Bonus #3 Add it up on 5/3 came out good thru 5/8. Do 3 offers and receive $3. So I had to buy 1 more offer to get $5 more dollars. 

 I actually got 2. They have a new Canada Dry ginger ale with lemonade that had a 25¢ rebate and Tuttorosso has a 70¢ rebate. We will use both items and I earned another $5. Total for 6 items that costed me out of pocket $10.44. I earned $15.15.  I made $4.71 profit for items we will use. I call that a win. 

I also earned 25¢ towards steaks I bought but that was an "ANY" item which doesn't count towards bonuses. 

This is the best I have ever done in a week. It worked out that several of the products we like had rebates. Some weeks all I get is a quarter back for the any items. But that is OK. All of those quarters added up to over $70 that I wouldn't of had if it wasn't for Ibotta. 

If you are interested in giving it a try, I have a referral code. It is tfdaxjg. Full disclosure, I will get $5 for everyone that signs up using my referral and meets the requirements. You will get $10 bonus if you meet their requirements. They do different promos every month and this is Mays. 

Do you use Ibotta ? How much money have you earned? Do you use any other rebate apps? Lets help each other save some money. 


  1. Just curious ... How much time do you spend planning your shopping and use of the online couponing and rebate-type sites. I work full time (40+ hours a week) and commute 1 hr. plus each way, and am a single househole (so all maintenance, cleaning, etc.) falls on me. I love the loyalty programs where discounts and rebates are more automatic, and find that a rarely have time to go onto each store's site and download the digital coupons, paging through hundreds of items I'll never purchase (i.e. diapers, baby formula ... I'm well beyond that), just to get 2 or 3 coupons. Same with these rebate apps.

    1. I get my paper coupons from family and friends. I only cut out ones I will use. The rest go in the garbage. I do it in little time frames. So I'm not really sure. To go through the paper coupons to cut out I would say 10 minutes a week. To download coupons another 10 minutes. To match sales and coupons up 20-30 minutes a week. Then add in food shopping. I go to several stores a week, Aldi, Dollar Tree, CVS, BJ's, Stop & Shop, Shop Rite, Trader Joes, Meat Farms and Whole Foods. I never go to all of them every week. Max at the supermarket I would say 3 hours. I drive by Dollar Tree, Stop & Shop. Meat Farms, and CVS everyday going to and from work so there is no extra driving time for them. I look at sites that figure out what matches up such as I heart CVS. They lay out what is on sale and where the coupons are. It makes it so much easier. Ibotta about 3 minutes in each store to see what is available and then 5 minutes to upload everything.

      I work part time outside of the home. Before my kids were in school I use to watch a friends daughter and before her I watched my husband's coworkers' son. I have the time to do it to save us a lot of money. I am not an extreme couponer. I do not have 100 boxes of cereal. I do like grocery shopping and I have fun getting great deals. I am weird. I know. My mom showed me how to shop sales and use coupons. I have taught my kids. I don't really think about it. It is very automatic for me. I would feel very weird to not do it. Hope that answers your question.

    2. Thanks, very helpful. I tend to shop in one or two stores (Meijer & Berkotts), with others (Aldi, Mariano's--a Kroger store, Jewel, and sometimes, Trader Joe's) on occasion, if they've got good deals. I, too, was raised couponing and shopping for deals, stocking up, as possible. I watch the sales, and if I see a coupon in the weekday or weekend ads that match or that I know I'll use, I'll clip it. Our stores list digital coupons, but it takes at least 15-20 minutes to wade thru them, page by page. With a "loyalty card" I wish they offered a "clip all" feature! As a widow (4 years) and sole member in the household, it sometimes gets overwhelming and I'd just like to get in and out of the store as quickly as possible -- especially after a long day in the office and hectic commute. [BTW, I can't post using my AIM profile, for some reason, which is why I'm posting as Anonymous.]

    3. If I see a good deal I always stock up. I also wish the loyalty cards had a clip all feature. I just roll through them and do the ones I use. I feel like that when I go to the mall. Too many people. I just grab what I need and go.


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