Adding to my Pantry

Sorry I missed last week. I was really bad with vertigo and barely got out of bed at all. This will cover the last 2 weeks. Sorry about lack of pictures but my son did some of the shopping this week and didn't take pictures. Sorry also about no receipts. My brain is still foggy from the medicine to do math. 

The garden has been doing great. My son picked a bunch of peas when I was sick and I picked them when I wasn't. I love them sauted with olive oil and garlic. We have been really enjoying them. I also love them plain. We have picked about 3 pounds so far.

My son brought home a new kind of bread from work. They were trying it out on the employees. I will happily try free bread. We really enjoyed it. He also brought home bagels, cookies, pastries and souffles but he didn't take pictures.

Before I got sick, my YD had requested pepperoni and hubby (who was still on soft foods) requested sweet potatoes. We bought 4 but the other 3 were on the BBQ. The feta was on sale for $1.50 so I grabbed that too. 

I also went to Stop & Shop. Tropicana's were 2 for $4, ice cream were 2 for $4, we were almost out of sour cream. I think it was $1.29. Hubby's cream cheese were on sale but I don't remember how much. 

I also got some goodies on the mark down racks. Taco kits were 74¢ each, brownies foe 37¢, Bisquick for $1.44. 

Peanut butter was 79¢ and specialty sauces were 59¢ each. 

I cooked a pulled pork with the mojito sauce and we loved it so I ran back to see if there were any more. I was able to get 6 more. 

I also got a trip to Aldi before I got sick. I found bacon marked down to $1.99 a pound. I have not seen it that cheap in over a year. I bought 12. We are set for a long time on bacon. Hubby was very happy about that. 

My son ran to BJ's for milk, cheese and whipped cream. He also went to Meat Farms for grapes and milk and got marked down grapes, broccoli and zucchini. This week we just lived mostly out of our food storage which is what it is there for. 

Did you get any great deals this week? What did you add to your pantry? 


  1. Hi Mcoia I am sorry to hear you have had such a rough patch with your vertigo and I hope the medication is helping you, and no need at all to be sorry the most important thing is for you to rest and get well :). Your son did well picking up all of those bargains and needed items for you.

    Not sure if the 1st comment went through as it went awry if it doubles up please delete it.

    This past few weeks in our pantry we added -

    - 8 more double bags of sweet potatoes we blanched and froze from ones we picked from the gardens. We ended up with 89 double meal bags all up for the 2 of us which will give us a years worth. We also gave away around 40 kg we could not fit in or could use all of them to everyone at church which people appreciated.

    - Added 11 more double meal bags of silver beet we picked blanched and froze from the gardens.

    - Harvested a huge amount of fresh thyme from the gardens which we have drying on a large wire rack on the veranda behind shade cloth. Once ready we will keep some for us and sell the excess on the internet.

    - Added 4 tins of lychees for the pantry for $1 OOP after using a $10 off voucher I earned from buying the normal groceries. We have now topped up what we used since we went shopping earlier in the month.

    - Picked another huge lot of both French and English lavender from the gardens we currently have drying on curtain rails in the hallway. We also separated already dried lavender from our previous picking giving us 33 g of French Lavender and 36 g of English lavender.

    - I traded dried 30 g of dried oregano, 8 g of tarragon, 34 g of English lavender, 100 g of dried rosemary and 50 g of dried thyme picked from the gardens (apart from the oregano and tarragon we had to much of here) for 6 x 25 g tins of lip balm a friend makes with all natural products. Any natural lip balms cost to buy here are anywhere between $8 - $16 ea eek !. Both packages are in transit both ways as we speak and we are both happy with what we are receiving as herbs are very expensive to buy where my friend lives in the country too.

    Other than that we have been staying away from grocery shopping and pantry stocking preferring to save our money for E-Vouchers that will come out again in August/September which will give us 20% off the cost of all our groceries.

    Hope everyone has had an equally good week :).


    1. The kids were a huge help all week. Good to know they can run a household.

      You did wonderful. I love bartering for items. The lip balm will be great to have . I just talked to my friend that I barter honey with. We are all set. I cannot wait to get it.

      Have a wonderful week.


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