May Goals Updated

May seemed to fly bye. It was a busy month which I knew it would be before it even started. We did get a lot done but not everything was on the list. So lets see how I did. 
-Put 15% of our income into our retirement accounts.
Done. 401K plans make this easy to do. 
-Put $1500 into the college account. Did it! Put $1530.
-Grocery budget $400. I spent $449.98 in May. My total for the year so far is $1822.03. I am averaging $364 per month. I have an overage of $177.97 left. 
-List 25 new items on eBay and Craigslist. NOPE. I only listed 13 and 5 sold. 
-Work extra shifts while they are available. Done. With all the great movies coming out I knew I would get offered extra shifts. One week I worked 6 days straight. 

-Go for a walk 5 times a week. I did it the first week, the other 3 nope. I did get to go on lots of walks just not that many. 
-Work out for 15 minutes, 5 times a week. Nope. I did work out but not that much. 
-Lose 10 pounds. Nope, I only lost 4 pounds but I will take it. 

-Plant more seeds to transplant later. Yup! I planted more lettuce to plant in June. 
-Transfer seedlings into bigger pots. No, I just planted right into the garden.
-Get garden beds tilled. Yes, we borrowed my Dad's tiller and Hubby did it for me. 
-Plant large garden bed. Done! I did 3 types of tomatoes, 5 kinds of peppers, bush beans, and lettuce. Kale and peas were already in there. I also planted all of my herbs in pots.
-Plant small garden bed. It is ready to be planted. It got tilled with manure and lime. Hopefully this weekend. 
-Finish cleaning out by blueberry bushes. Yes, my son helped me. 
-Transfer compost into garden beds. Done.
-Finish digging out tree stump. Nope. Hubby worked on it but didn't get to finish. It seemed to rain on the weekends when he was home. 

-Go on a date with Hubby. Yes. We grabbed burgers from Hubby's favorite burger joint.
-Celebrate Mother's Day and my birthday Did it. I am now 44.
-Son finish freshman year of college. 1 down 3 to go. He got 2 A's. We are very proud of him.
-YD's Junior prom. She had a wonderful time and looked beautiful.
-Get YD's braces off. They are gone. She already has her retainers. 

-Read 2 books. I only got to read 1. My son gave it to me for Mother's Day. 
-FaceTime with OD once a week. Did it. Love seeing my girls face even if I can't kiss her. 
-Go to dentist for cleaning. I did go but I have a cracked filling so I have to go back. 

-Go through my closest. Get rid of things I don't wear. Nope. Didn't do it.
-Go through the basement and get rid of 50 items that we don't use. I got rid of 21 items and Hubby got rid of a few but we didn't hit 50. We also added more stuff to the basement that we were given or got at college move out day. 
-Clean out dresser in office. Nope. 

-Do 1 meatless meal a day. 2 days we didn't do it. I call that a win.
-Try 2 new recipes. Did it. Pineapple chicken (not a hit) and cilantro, lime rice (we loved it)
-Get another pantry item to a 6 month supply Did it, laundry detergent, mustard, thousand island dressing and London broils. I got lots of great sales this month. 
-Use last summers frozen veggies Yes! I used corn, bush beans, zucchini and pumpkin. 
-No food waste. A half a loaf of bread. I had put it in the fridge and someone accidentally put it back in the drawer. It got moldy. Because of the dog and our compost bin we usually have very little food waste. 

-Get son's car fixed. All done and we got it inspected.
-Fix leak in Hubby's truck. We got the leak fixed and then it started making a rattling noise. Hubby is going to try to fix it himself before he brings it to the shop. 
How did you do in May? Did you get everything you wanted done? 


  1. I love your written goals! I'd say you had a very successful month!

  2. Hi Mcoia and you did really well on your goals considering you had spent lots of time at work too :) .

    Unfortunately the last week of May we were sick with some sort of virus thing which we still have, we think it might be the flu due to aches etc but we did get a fair bit accomplished though.

    Here is how we went and our goals -

    Financial -
    - Grocery budget of $300 for the month only some to be spent on good specials if it will top up items already used. Other than that the majority will be held over to shopping on June 12th our next 2 monthly grocery shop day. ** Done but spent over due to great grocery e-vouchers we got and spent May and June's budget but only have a little shopping to finish off our monthly shop on June 12th.
    - Bank as much in our saving for our home bank account as we can and allocate any additional income either into savings, emergency home kitty, or needed items in the home. ** We banked $1211 over our projected target for savings for the month which we are pleased about :) .

    Food -
    - Cook all meals from scratch. ** Cooked all meals from scratch apart from birthday and wedding anniversary when we brought a chicken and chips to celebrate in the park.
    - Process rest of the lemons into either jams or for lemonade concentrate for the freezer. ** Done and made 12 jars of marmalade in total.
    - Blanch and freeze any corn or silver beet picked from the gardens for advanced food stores. ** Done and in the freezer.
    - Make a whole orange cake with the last of the oranges in the fridge and make some juice. ** Done by DH but he undercooked it and sadly it was liquid in the middle. I am encouraging him to try to cook cakes so it is a learning curve for him and we did eat the cooked bits :).

    In the gardens -
    - Amend soil and plough empty flower bed at the side of the house. ** Done.
    - Transfer trimmed canna lilies and other lilies into that bed from the other side of the house and dig out poisonous bulbs out of that bed once all the lilies are removed. ** Done.
    - Stake up large tomato plant in the front gardens away from Rosemary plant.** Done.
    - Trim sweet potato vines to keep them in the garden beds and away from lawns and footpath. **Done and all the sweet potatoes harvested too as the vines dried off.
    - Continue to trench compost vegetable scraps into empty vegetable garden bed in back paddock. **Done.
    - Supplement water seeds with any rinsing water or shower warm up water. ** Done when we had water available.

    Health -
    - See RSL advocate to have an additional health problem added to DH's military medical card to be covered for free. A recent medical complication caused by his military accident some years ago. ** Decided to do this ourselves and got forms sent out and need a specialists report sent to us to finish the application.
    - Exercise by gardening and walking regularly. DH has lost around 10kg last year just by walking and gardening which is really good considering his injuries. ** Lots of gardening done with weeding, mulching, staking and removing and transplanting plants.

    Sewing -
    - Put new elastic in two skirts so they can be worn. ** Not done as we had a lot of harvesting to do in the gardens.
    - Finish sewing handkerchiefs from upcycled fabric for myself, they are already cut out. ** Not done but did make 2 bread bags for my internet shop instead and 1 sold.
    - If time try and make more black and white 5 layer cotton eye masks to put in my internet shop for sale. ** Upon going through my already made stocks I have some dark coloured ones to list so listed those in my internet shop instead.

    All in all happy with what we got accomplished for the month of May.


    1. You had a very busy month. Great job on saving another $1200 towards your home. That is awesome. Your garden kept you busy and it paid off. You did get some great sales this month like I did. That is why I roll over the grocery budget month to month. It seems to even out by the end of the year. I hope you are feeling better and have a wonderful and productive June.

  3. You got a lot done. I don't think anyone every has a perfect month.


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