My Frugal List: Week of June 18, 2018

It was a very long week. I have been sick with horrible vertigo. It started over 3 years ago and sometimes gets unbearable. I am very thankful for my husband and kids for taking such good care of me. When it is bad, I can't do anything. Just getting through the day is hard enough. I am doing much better but still not 100%. Plans got shifted and I had to call out from work. Everyone got fed even if it wasn't what was planned.

My youngest daughter is finally finished with school for the year. She did help out with the graduation at the high school as my son was able to drive her. She also attended several graduation parties that my son and Hubby drove her too. I had preplanned and bought several cards at Dollar Tree for 2 for $1 so she just had to grab them from our card box.

I was not able to go to the concert with Hubby but he did have a good time with our friends. The concert was free as we had won the tickets earlier this year. There was also a free parking pass so he didn't have to pay for that. My girlfriend even brought him a nice cold water so the night ended up totally free.

My son stayed on top of the garden for me. He did 2 nice pickings of peas when I couldn't. I also did 2 pickings. We are loving all of them. I have been snacking on them constantly. We picked just under 2 pounds so far.

I have been listing more items on eBay. I had received 50 free listings. I sold 6 items this week and my son mailed them all for me. I used envelopes and boxes that were already used. 

My YD did laundry and hung it outside while I was unable to do it. She also washed most of the dishes to help her dad out. 

Dinners were easy items while I was sick. The kids made pasta with homemade sauce that I had canned last year, eggs, pancakes, and mac n cheese. Hubby also grilled lots of chicken one night so that we would have leftovers. 

Hubby did some work on his truck. He does a great job, enjoys working on it and we don't have to pay for the labor.

I got some free samples in the mail which is always fun. 2 lip balms and shampoo and conditioner samples. 

My son ran to the store for milk and grapes and picked up some discounted produce. I taught him well.

When you don't leave the house for a week its easy to not spend money. That is all I can think of for now. Hope to be posting more this week. Hope everyone is having a great week. 


  1. Hi Mcoia I thought something was wrong as you usually post more often. I am sorry to hear about your vertigo as it is a really debilitating condition :( . Good to hear that your family all pitched in to help you and keep the house running. You sound like you have a wonderful supportive and loving family to rely on which is lovely. Take it easy and get better soon, hugs.

    Here is how we organised our home and saved money -

    Earnings -
    - Earned $6.66 from the sale of 20g of dried sage picked from the gardens and saved sugar baby watermelon seeds saved from the gardens on the internet.

    Purchases -
    - Target in town was having a huge sale on a lot of their summer clothing and other items in town as they are moving to stocking a younger demographic on clothing. We purchased a PS4 game for DH for $19 reduced from $69, 2 flannel shirts for DH and finally found some in his size, 2 pairs of 3/4 pants for summer for $7 reduced from $29, 2 casual shift dresses for me $5 ea reduced from $25, 1 pair of summer sandals for me for $5 reduced from $15, 12 tall glass tumblers to replace ones that were broken for $10 reduced from $24 and 3 packets of glucose lollies saving 36.82% or $163 in total on usual prices.

    Listings -
    - Using a free listing promotion on eBay I listed 51 homemade items, saved seeds and dried herbs from the gardens saving $84.15 on usual listing fees.

    House organisation -
    - Organised our plastic storage container cupboard and stacked like shaped containers, threw out excess saved washed and saved plastic containers and wiped the cupboard out along with the front of kitchen cupboards. It looks so much tidier in there now and I can fit in the new high glass tumblers we purchased :). We live in a teeny 100 square metre workers cottage in the country.

    In the kitchen -
    - Cooked all meals and bread from scratch.
    - We finished our final batch of blanching and freezing of our sweet potatoes giving us a years supply for the 2 of us :). We picked just over 100 kg of them from a garden patch 1.5 x 9 m long. We also took around a 40kg box of sweet potatoes to church to give away and every one of them went, all free to us as we transplant all the little ones each year when we harvest them.

    In the gardens -
    - Picked 340g of cherry tomatoes, 4 large carrots, 2 turnips and 10.5 bunches of silver beet from the gardens saving us $44.76 over buying them in the shops. We used the carrots and turnips with a baked chicken dinner we had one night and blanched and froze the silver beet for 11 more double meals for the 2 of us.
    - Picked a huge amount of French & English lavender and hung it to dry, separated dried French & English lavender from the gardens saving $6 over purchasing it.
    - We also picked a huge amount of thyme from the gardens that we have on a drying rack on the front veranda behind shade cloth. Once dried we will keep some for us, trade some, and sell the rest on the internet.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful week ahead :).


    1. I am lucky to have such an amazing husband and kids. It worked out well that YD had just finished school. Hubby's company is wonderful and he works less then 5 minutes away.

      You did amazing at Target. I love going to their sales after Christmas. They just mark down everything to get it gone. Glad you were able to get so many needed items.

      Your church members are very lucky to get all of those wonderful sweet potatoes. Of course they all went. Who doesn't like free food? I would have taken some too.

      I love the smells when I dry herbs. We usually have plenty so I give some as gifts to family and friends. I love that you are able to grow your own food year round.

      Have a wonderful week!

  2. I am so sorry you are dealing with vertigo. I have only had it once and it was just for a day and the memory of being unable to control any movements because my world was spinning is unpleasant to say the least. I hope it leaves you permanently!

    1. Thank you. Unfortunately my doctors think I have Meniere's disease so it's not going away. Diet does help. Lots of things can set it off. Hubby thinks I was over doing it with work and regular life that set it off this time. I have to learn to pace myself or my body does it for me.

  3. I'm glad you are feeling better.

  4. Glad to find you. I'll be stopping by often.


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