Friday Freebies

Hubby and I went to see Billy Joel at Madison Square Garden. The tickets were free to us. A vendor of Hubby's offered them to him. It was a private box with food and drinks included. We have never been in a private box there and it was so nice. There were about 30 people in the box. It was very large. The were seats for everyone with a food buffet and bar with bartender. They had hot dogs, chicken, pasta, salad, eggplant, veggie tray, chips, popcorn, candy, cookies and cupcakes. The bar had beer, wine, soda and water. .

It was a great night out for Hubby and me. We did have to provide our own transportation but overall it was a very frugal night. Billy did a tribute to Aretha Franklin that was very good. He is an amazing performer and funny guy. Glad we got to go. If you ever come to NYC he performs once a month at MSG. 

The garden is going wonderful. I am picking bowl fulls everyday. 

The tomatoes have finely gone crazy. I love it. 

Now I just need to make sauce this weekend and can it. 

My son brought home goodies from work that were leftover. I brought pastries and cookies to work with me the next day. 

I got the Special K water bottle that I ordered through Kelloggs Family Rewards. It is a nice sturdy water bottle. We don't really need any more water bottles so I put it in my raffle basket stash. 

My son got free meals at work twice this week for covering for other people. Hubby took a class that his job paid for. Hubby has to keep certifications up to date for his job. We are very lucky that his job pays all of the costs. A coworker brought me a bag of peanut M&Ms. I thought that was very nice. 

What freebies did you get this week? 


  1. What a wonderful evening out for you both. That is about the ultimate freebie!
    You had a great week.
    Out garden has gone Into over drive - so lots of yummies.

    1. Don't you just love this time of year with all of the garden goodies?

  2. Whoa, concert tickets- especially to Billy Joel- are an amazing freebie! I'm a little jealous. ;) Glad you had such a nice night out!

    We found that we're growing another pumpkin in the back of our garden, so I think that counts as a nice freebie! ;)

    1. I live on Long Island and have never gone to his concert. I think it is a requirement. I have sen his houses over the years though. When I was young we used to clam near his house.

      Garden produce definitely counts. Enjoy your pumpkin. I would love to grow pumpkins but they take up so much room. Lots of friends and family give me their pumpkins after Halloween.

  3. What a great job perk for the hubby, and Panera working son too!

    1. This is the first time he has gotten concert tickets so we were very excited. I will be sad when my son leaves his job. It is a good job while he is in college. The people are nice, they work around his schedule and he gets free food.

  4. Instead of getting a freebie I gave some away. I gave fair tickets to a family down the street. I also gave each child enough money to buy a ride pass that allows unlimited rides all day. The six kids were super excited and I felt great.

    1. That was very nice of you. It is hard for larger families to be able to go to fairs because of the expense. Did you win the fair tickets?

    2. I bought them at a discount cost because I entered something. Normal cost to get into the fair is $15 for adults, $10 for 5 to 18, and $5 for under five. Parking is $10. By entering something I can buy advance tickets for $2.50 each and they also cover parking. School is in session already so I knew the only available day for the kids to go was on Saturday. Saturday was also five dollar unlimited ride pass day. I could have used the money for food or something but it wouldn't have given me the same warm inside feeling as knowing how much fun those kids would have and the memories created with the parents.

    3. I'm sure the parents are very grateful and the kids will have a wonderful time.

  5. I love Billy Joel. That is a great job perk. That's a lot of tomatoes!

    1. This is the first time he was offered concert tickets.


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