She Passed!

We have very exciting and scary news all in one. Youngest daughter passed her road test. She is licensed in New York State. She did wonderful and we are super proud of her. She had been practicing often and bugging me and Hubby to take her driving constantly so all of her hard work paid off. 

Now the fun part. I get to wait up late until she is home safe. I get to worry about another one of my babies out on the road with a bunch of crazy drivers. I get to pay an extra $1600 a year in car insurance. I get to tell her no friends in the car for a while. I get to not have to pick her up from friends houses. I get not to run her to the store when she forgot she needs something for school in the morning. I get to not pick her up from school when she misses the bus.I get to not be a chauffeur any more. 

I don't know where the time has gone. How is it that my little girl is seventeen, starting her senior year of high school and has a drivers licence. It is a very big year for her but for Hubby and me too. She has so many exciting adventures this year. We love her so much and are so proud of her. She has turned into a beautiful, amazing young lady. 

Wish me luck. I hope it is not a wild ride!


  1. Well congrats to her. Yep, now your 'fun' is just beginning!!!!!

  2. Congrats! My son is due to take the test in October. I have *zero* clue how we're going to afford to put him on the insurance. None whatsoever. :(

    1. Thank you. Good luck to your son. Insurance is crazy expensive. She will be driving a 1999 Maxima. I couldn't fathom what a newer car would cost. Also we live in NY and we have high rates here.

  3. Wowsers!! That's a lot for insurance. Our son has his own car and his own insurance. We chose not to put him under ours. The way insurance works around here is that if he's under our insurance and he has an accident, our rate will go up drastically for the next 7 years. His accident won't follow him if he gets his own insurance. It stays with us. I've known several parents that got caught in this trap and are now paying for it dearly. So he has his own 2003 cavalier and pays $600 insurance a year. It also teaches them more responsibility. By having so whiny in their name and their own bills.

    1. We had our oldest 2 on our insurance so she gets it too. She is a straight A student in the top 1% of her class. She works very hard in school and currently is applying to tons of scholarships. She doesn't have a day to day job but does some babysitting. She could never afford the bill on her own. She is driving a 1999 Maxima with no bells or whistles. We live in NY state. It is what it is.

    2. Bahahaha! I just reread my post and you have to just love auto correct. I meant by having his own insurance in their name and their own bills. We help him pay also his insurance also but what I meant is that insurance here is different than yours.

    3. No worries. Auto correct gets me all the time.


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