Adding to my Pantry

Meat was on sale this week at Stop & Shop. You could get 2 value packs of either chicken legs, thighs or combos. I got thighs. They were 69¢ a pound. Pork chops were on sale for 99¢ a pound. 

The plastic wrap was marked down to 49¢. We don't use it often but for that price I will buy it. 

The graham crackers were 57¢. We are still doing fire pits and making smores so I was happy to get them. I don't mind a damaged box. 

My total for Stop & Shop was $10.53. 

I also got this juice for free. It was supposed to be a 4 pack of small ones but they never got them in. The manager let me get this instead. 

Staples sent me another voucher. I spent 3¢

A few days later Staples was at it again. YD came with me this time since we were going right to the mall after and it is close by. It cost me 28¢ after a $10 off $10 purchase. They must have a glitch in their system because every week we are getting one. They are different codes and need to be used in 5 days. I will keep going as long as they keep sending them. I will not bring YD again because she suckered me into getting her snacks. 

I went to BJ's. I had a bunch of cans and bottles to return. I got $7.80 in returns. That brought my bill to $7.06

Mt garden goodies are still going. I picked a little over 7 pounds for this batch. There was peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, pole beans and carrots. 

This picking was a little over 11 pounds.

I made more sauce with all of the tomatoes. We ate it 2 different nights and I canned 4 quarts. 

I froze the rest of the corn I bought last week on the cob. 

Hubby and my son brought home lots of goodies from work. YD brought home lots of leftovers from float build and senior breakfast. What ever we aren't eating right away I froze. 

I made breadcrumbs from a bunch of bread ends when I cleaned out the freezer. Some went back into the freezer for future use. I also dried more herbs.

Dollar Tree got a shop too. I spent $21.43.

I also did a trip to Meat Farms. Hubby had been wanting to make a broccoli rabe pizza so I needed to buy some. Bananas were marked down 10 for $1.59. YD uses a lot of these in smoothies. The lettuce was marked down to 99¢ for 3 heads. Mine is almost done in the garden. I also got some sausage marked down. My total was $27.49. 

I spent $66.82. I know I am over for the month but I do have a surplus for the year. I will be trying to spend as little as possible the next few days. Wish me luck. 

What did you add to your pantry this week? Are you still preserving food from your garden? 


  1. Hi Mcoia and wishing you luck on spending as little as possible for the rest of the month. You did well getting lots of freebies this month :). Sometimes we find certain times where we spend more and others where we spend nearly nothing it depends on what is on sale and what our grocery needs are.

    Despite us saying we were not going grocery shopping until mid November our supermarket had some fantastic specials on what we usually need and some things we needed to stock up on so we used 1 out 3 of our remaining $240 for $200 vouchers and spent $192.70. Most of this was used on items we have used out of this 3 month groceries anyway as well as a few specials.

    It was good we always check our pick up grocery order as we found a mistake and they hadn't put in 2 packets of cocoa that was marked on their list they had picked and we got a $7.30 cash refund.

    With the really good specials we had we saved another $53.40 + $40 e-voucher saving being a total of $93.40 on usual prices :) my best savings yet on one e-voucher. I play a challenge game with myself to see how many specials and if I can outdo my savings each time on groceries.

    We stocked up over and above our usual stock levels on 10 packets of cocoa powder, 8 tins of 3 varieties of spam, 24 tins of smoked oysters and 1 x 32 pk of toilet paper.

    In the gardens I also added 24 cutting of English lavender and 10 cuttings of rosemary from plants in the gardens which I potted up saving $151.62 over buying them in the garden nurseries.

    Have a great week everyone :) .

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

    1. You did great with the vouchers again. I had no intention of going to Stop & Shop this week but then they put meat on sale. I can't pass up meat for less then a $1 a pound. September always seems to be a big spender month. My BJs membership comes due so that is $50+. It all evens out over the year. I'm still under $400 a month for my yearly average which is my goal. October is another expensive month because I stock up on potatoes and pumpkin then.

    2. Hi Mcoia and thank you :). I would not pass up on meat at under $1 a pound either. Glad to hear you are still under your $400 a month target too.

      Our expensive months seem to be January, July August for stocktake clothing & homewares sales and just before Christmas (lots of bills) as we do the grocery shop for a few months so we don't go near the shops until the new year usually.

      Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

  2. Another great week. You did fantastic. The garden produce looks so pretty. I just love looking at pictures of veggies - weird I know - but it is so satisfying.

  3. I don't think that is weird. I like looking at them too. I also like looking at filled canning jars.

  4. My daughter very much liked your carrots up there! (Carrots are her favorite; she'll often ask me to peel her a whole carrot, and she'll sit there and eat the whole thing.)

    I did pretty well grocery shopping this week. I found lentils for a lower price than last week, so that made me happy, and my container of white beans is almost full. Sugar was on sale at a store, four pounds for 99 cents, so I bought the two bags that were allowed at that price and I'm pretty well stocked on that. Pasta was on sale for 69 cents/lb, so I stocked up on more of that, and I found eggs at 89 cents per dozen, so now we have plenty of those, plus I bought another flat of canning jars like I had planned. Not a bad week!

    1. You did really well. I am running low on sugar so I am hoping to see a good sale price soon otherwise I will have to buy some to get me through.


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