Friday Freebies

My sister keeps getting Staples rewards and gave a $10 voucher to YD. I went with her to get her a few items that were on sale. Unfortunately I wasn't paying attention and the 2 packs of page tags were overcharged. So I pad $2.18 when it should have been under a $1. I realized out in the car before I left so I went back into the crazy madhouse of a store. I found a manager immediately and he said it would take a few minutes to do a refund or he could give me a $5 off any purchase voucher. I just took the voucher since it was easier. I will get something with it when everything there calms down. Maybe a Christmas gift. So all of the above minus one pack of page flags were free. 

I had a $5 voucher to Kohls. YD was going to look for something she wanted so she happily used it. 

I had ordered some free books from Kelloggs Family Rewards and 2 of them showed up. I am giving them to OD to give to her boyfriend's sister (got all that). She is pregnant and due at the end of September. I still have several more coming. I am hoping they will all be here by the time OD visits this month. 

I also printed up a $5 reward from Kelloggs. When I hit the point levels I print them up so I have them when I need them. 

I had told a friend about the free kitty litter and dog bones coupons. She has 2 cats so she was happy to get the kitty litter. She also got the bones for Oreo. She also gave us some sparkling pink lemonade because I keep giving her veggies from the garden. So of course I made her take home some tomatoes and cucumbers. 

My sister is going away for the next 2+ weeks and we are watching Lip. She brought us some items from her house. 

Later I found more from her. I was at work when she dropped him off so it is a treasure hunt in my fridge. 

We will happily eat all of it. 

Then there is the garden bounty.

I am grateful for every tomato, cucumber, pepper, and pole bean.

 I have made pickles, sauce and hot sauce out of them. 

My son brought home a dozen new bagels. They did a test batch at work and the employees were allowed to eat them and take them home. He also brought home some bread. 

I met a friend for breakfast and used a gift card. I gave her some pickles. She gave me a coupon for a free cookie so I brought it home to YD. 

I did a survey for the electric company. They sent me 2 LED light bulbs. 

Nothing huge this week but that is OK. We are happy and thankful for everything we received. 

Did you get any freebies this week? 


  1. Hi Mcoia and you did really well and the $5 off next purchase was a better deal than the smaller refund on the stationary and I would have taken that too.

    This week our freebies were -

    - 50 x 4 lt Mylar bags a friend gave us as a thank you for giving their family some vegetables from the gardens previously.
    - Another friend gave us 3 dozen free range chicken eggs free as their chickens are producing so many saving us $12. The family does not use that many eggs so they are going to give us a dozen each week from now on so we probably will not need to buy any at all from the supermarket. For this we feel truly blessed and thankful.
    - Taking advantage of a free listing and final auction value fee promotion I listed 58 homemade items, some lavender and some items we want to cull in the home saving $95.70 on listing fees.


    1. Free eggs is wonderful. I hope to someday have chickens.

  2. That looks like a pretty great week to me! Your son always brings home such delicious-looking goodies. :)

    My mom brought up a bunch of extra stuff she had and didn't need- two different cans of shaving cream, a Bath and Body Works body spray, and some face wash. I was more than happy to take it all off her hands! :)

    1. I would have too. I will be sad when my son leaves this job. It works for him now while he is in college. They are very flexible with their hours and will work around his classes.

  3. Wow, you are like the queen of free! Good for you.

  4. Looks great this week, as usual! It is so easy to use up tomatoes during normal, ordinary cooking during the winter and a person goes through a lot of them! I'm glad you are getting so many. I have another bowlful to work on soon, as well. Thankfully, they don't have to be done the same day I pick them:)

    1. I let my tomatoes collect for a few days and then I make sauce. Same for cucumbers. We have had tomatoes on everything lately. We will miss them when they are gone. Homegrown are so much better then store ones.

  5. I got a box of free kitchen towels from a friend. The color does not matter to me since I am not picky about my decor. She hires interior decorators, I would never do that.

    I am downsizing, trying to get rid of things and feel suffocated by all of my stuff. Funny how that happens, like how your hair is suddenly too long, drives you crazy and must be cut. Nothing tempts me any more. Such a strange feeling to by pass a garage sale sign without even a quick glance. When something comes in, something else must go out. I sorted through my old ratty towels and pulled out the ones you can read a newspaper through and have them stored in the paint basket. They will be used to wipe paint drips and then be thrown away.

    1. That is so funny you said that. I am cutting my hair off tomorrow. I have had a "real" haircut in over a year and I have a wedding in 2 weeks so this felt like a good time. Hopefully I don't hate it. We use old towels are rags too. Have a great week.


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