September Goals Updated

- Put 15% into retirement. Thanks to our 401K plans, this is easy. 
- Pay for first and second part of driveway. The first part got done on the 5th and 6th.
- Grocery Budget of $400 average for the year. I spent $456.50. My total for the year is $3481.63. My monthly average is $386.84. I have a surplus of $118.37.
- List 25 new items on eBay and Craigslist. Did it. I sold a 3 Wii games, a pin, a book, a movie, and a hat. I'm getting annoyed with eBay so I may take a break for a while. 
- Work extra shifts when available. I worked an 8 hour shift that was supposed to be 5 hours, and an extra 5 hour shift. 
- Go over our budget with Hubby. We do it every month. 
- Go over the kids budgets with each of them. Did it.
- Do FAFSA Started it. Need to finish
- YD apply for scholarships She has been doing some whenever she has free time. 
- Help YD start to fill out college applications We started!

- Plant peas and kale for fall pickings Didn't happen. 
- Dehydrate/dry herbs as they are ready. I have been drying them when I shut the oven off. It takes a few days but doesn't waste any energy. 
- Chop and freeze veggies for winter use More peppers went into the freezer, I made sun dried tomatoes that went in too. Lots of carrot tops got added also.
- Can tomatoes as they become available Did it. Also made salsa and sun dried tomatoes.
- Barter with garden veggies. I gave plenty away but no barters

Go on a date with Hubby We did 2 this month. We went to Hubby's favorite burger place for lunch. We ate outside and drank water to keep costs low. We went to a Home Show that was free. 
- OD come home for a visit It went too fast!
- Visit a college with YD We had to cancel the school that was planned because Hubby had to work. We have talked to the adviser many times and are applying anyway. We will get there soon.  
- YD start Senior Year of high school. She is off to a great start!
- Go to wedding. It was beautiful!
- Go apple picking I got sick so Hubby, OD and her boyfriend went. It was cold and I didn't want to get worse before the wedding.
- Kids go to dentist for cleanings. YD did it. We had to cancel my son's because of a conflict. 

- Facetime with OD every week. Did it!
- Read 2 books Nope. I have been reading a little here and a little there. I think I started 3 different books. 
- Make someone a meal that needs it. We had a recently single friend over for dinner and I sent her home with leftovers and veggies from the garden. I brought a sick friend soup.
- Write 2 cards or letters. Nope.

- Clean out kitchen freezer. DONE!
- Clean out file cabinet in office. Oops!

- Do one meatless meal a day. This is easy now. 
- Do one day a week with no meat at all. I did it 6 times.
- Try 2 new recipes.  I made horseradish pickles, Zesty salsa that I canned, and relish that I canned.
- Get another pantry item to 6 months. I should be good on sauce for at least 6 months. I bought a bushel of corn and processed it so we are good for at least 6 months. 
- No food waste. A loaf of bread went moldy. I was very unhappy. 
- Use garden produce over buying. We have been using it. Soon it will be done
- Can more sauce. Did it.
- Make jam, relish, or other kinds of pickles. I made 3 quarts of horseradish pickles, 4 pints of relish, 10 small jars of corn cob jelly. 
- Make applesauce and apple juice with apples from the orchard. Hubby went apple picking on Friday and we sent most of them home with OD. We will go back another day.

- Get YD AAA card. Ordered it.
- Get truck back on the road. It is all fixed!


  1. Great month! I like that you make monthly goals. I usually have a few things in mind, and I keep a list of goals for the year, but monthly, I'm not sure if that would work for me personally. I'm more of a "Here's the list of things I need to get done, and I'll squish them in where and when I can!" kind of person. I admire those of you who can make a list like this and accomplish so much from it!

    1. Hubby and I have goals for the year. I only started doing monthly goals this year. It seems to be working out.


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