Friday Freebies

I drove past a pile of stuff one day. I stopped to look. There were some books so I took a few. I will see if I can sell the 2 science books. If not I will donate them.

I did another free library class. This one was making flowers from book pages. It was a non registered class and it was packed. They did not plan for as many people that showed up. Everyone was originally supposed to make several flowers but there was not enough equipment and time. There was only 4 glue guns and about 15 pairs of scissors. There were about 40 people. Thankfully my friend got there early and got us seats and a pair of scissors to share. It has never been this crazy before. I did have a nice time talking with my friend and with other folks. I was able to bring supplies home to make a few more flowers so I will make them sometime soon. 

YD had carved a pumpkin up with a friend. I cooked it and froze 3 containers of pumpkin puree to use in the future. The pumpkin was free to me so the puree is too. I will make either bread or muffins with it. 

Work had a 10th anniversary showing of Twilight. We gave out posters. We had hundreds left over. I asked my sister who is a middle school English teacher if she would like some for her students. She said yes so I took about 50. I will give them to her the next time I see her. 

Work had a small work breakfast for a few managers. There was an unopened juice and a few bagels left. I shared the bagels with my coworkers and brought the juice home. We also had a customer bring in 2 dozen cupcakes and about 5 dozen chocolate chip cookies. We had given her a donation of some popcorn for an event she was running. It was very sweet of her and we all enjoyed the treats on a busy Friday. 

Hubby's brother had surgery on his shoulder a few weeks ago. He needed help pulling out his window AC units. Hubby went over to help. MY BIL was given some wine that he didn't like so he offered it to Hubby. 

I keep drying herbs. I have hopefully enough to get me through the winter but I will keep drying them just in case. All of the herb plants were brought inside. The parsley is still doing great. Last year I was able to keep several pots of herbs alive indoors to use fresh too. 

A neighbor called and asked if we would eat salads. She had a party and had several unopened packages of salads and they weren't going to eat them. I was happy to take them. We ate them as sides with lunch and dinner all week. 

Staples sent me another $10 off $10 purchase. I got 8 boxes of tissues free. Full disclosure: I did have to buy a candy bar to get over the $10 so I paid 52¢ for the candy bar. YD was happy to eat it. 

I am always saying how I ship everything out in free boxes and envelopes from work. I took a picture (finally) of what I brought home one day. There are 7 different size boxes there. It really helps me keep my costs down and it keeps garbage out of the landfill. 

My son has been keeping us well supplied with goodies at work. 

Did you get any freebies this week? 


  1. Between the goodies you get from your meetings and your son's job - you sure get a lot of yummy treats. Super nice of your neighbor to share!
    You had another really good week.

    1. We are good neighbors. We watch each other's houses and help each other out. They get goodies from my son's job and veggies from my garden. We share often between our 2 houses.

  2. Hi Mcoia and you did really well this week :) .

    I also save bubble wrap, padded envelopes and boxes for sending out sold items I sell on the internet or from parcels we get here from products we buy. You are right it does save a lot of money. As we are moving at the moment the bubble wrap I have saved will go around some fragile items we are packing for the move.

    This week we got $40 worth of free groceries by using our e-voucher we purchase online for our grocery order and I saved an additional $4.94 with specials on some items too.

    Have a great week :).

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna)

    1. You are going to need a lot of boxes and bubble wrap for the move. I had asked all of our family and friends to save me boxes and newspaper before we moved. I hope the move goes well. Great job on the shopping.

  3. WOW! You had a great week. I have a $10 off of anything at Penney's so tomorrow while we are running errands we will be close to the store. I can't think of anything I need at the moment but since my husband will be with me, he will suddenly remember he needs socks.

    1. My mom gets lots of those too. She has given us socks many times over the years. You can never have too many socks.


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