Peer Pressure

I succumbed to peer pressure and bought a Lottery ticket. I don't remember the last time I bought one. I am really hoping that like 20 tickets win because no one needs 900+ million dollars which is what the payout comes to. I hope a large group ticket wins from a church of factory so lots of people get to share. I hope it is a very generous people.

I heard that in NY the average person spends over seven hundred dollars a year on lotto. I am not your average New Yorker because I have spent $2 this year. I can do a lot with $700. Dave Ramsey has said that lotto is another scam on poor people. I totally agree with him.

Everyone at work, employees and customers, have been talking about how big the jackpot is. They were all talking about buying cars, going on vacations, paying off their houses. I had several co-workers and customers tell me that they would give me money if they win. So I sure hope they win. When I was in line to get my ticket (very long line) one guy got $100 and another got $50. I sure hope you are out of debt if you are dumping that kid of money on lotto. When it was my turn I asked for 1 ticket. They cashier looked at me like I was crazy and said "You only want 1". I told him Yes only one. I am willing to waste $2 for a day of daydreaming. No way would I waste $50 or $100.

I have been thinking what I could have done with that $2 instead. I could have:

Put it in the bank
Donated it
Bought a pound of black beans and a pound of rice from the $ store and had dinner for several nights
Bought a candy bar
Bought a kids size chocolate ice
Bought 2 items from a dollar menu and had lunch
Bought Icees at 7-11 for my kids
Bought 4 stamps
Pay my son's library fees
Pay for a cooking class at the library
Bought a bagel for breakfast tomorrow morning
Give it to YD and let her get breakfast at school
Bought a slice of pizza
Bought a hot chocolate
Bought a pound of grapes(on sale for $1.99)
Bought half a gallon of milk
Bought YD 2 nail polishes
Bought a pound of pasta and jar of sauce (on sale of course) and had pasta for dinner
Thrown a lot of pennies into the fountain making wishes
Bought Oreo a few bones at the pet store
Bought a pack of gum
Bought a 8 oz pack of cheddar (it is on sale this week)
Play a slot machine
Put it towards my mortgage
Thrown it away because that is pretty much what I did when I bought the lotto ticket

Did you succumbed to peer pressure and buy a lotto ticket too? I hope you win. Remember me when you do. I will remember all of you if I do. What would you buy with $2 instead?


  1. My husband bought a few dollars' worth, nothing crazy (we have no debt, lol!). It's kinda fun to know that however infinitismal, you have the chance to win that kind of money, but the only time we ever buy a ticket is when it gets that ridiculously high, because otherwise, meh. It's definitely a waste of money in general and makes me uncomfortable as a whole (and I used to work at a store and sold Lotto tickets, so I absolutely saw how much money people blew on it and it freaked me out). At about six bucks every other year, I think we'll be okay! :)


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