Thankful Day 1

Every year Brandy over at The Prudent Homemaker always posts what she is thankful for in November. I have been doing it at her sight for the last few years, so I thought I would try it here.

I am very blessed with all that I have. I am thankful for it all. I am especially thankful for Hubby. We have been married 25 years. I met him when I was 14 (he was a friend of my oldest sister's) and we started dating when I was 17. He is a wonderful husband and father. He has worked 3 jobs to make sure that we always had enough food on the table and a roof over our head. He makes me laugh every single day. We still hold hands. He still gives me a kiss when he leaves in the morning and every night when he comes home.  He is my best friend, my husband and the only man I ever want to be loved by. 

What are you thankful for today? 


  1. Today, I am thankful for the tuna we canned yesterday. (Yes, I know I was supposedly done canning:) but my husband has been eating so much tuna that we decided to can more before the season ended.). We had a great date day driving down and getting it, then a long evening canning it, and now we have plenty. I hope.

    1. That is great. I hope you enjoy it for months. I have never had home canned tuna. I'm sure it is delicious.

  2. What a wonderful post and thank you Mcoia.

    Yesterday we were thankful that we are able to work so well together as a husband and wife team to pack up our home to move into our forever home in December. Like yourself we also hold hands are each others best friends. I am thankful also for a wonderful husband :).

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

    1. Hubby likes to call us an effective team. Working together is very important. We are both very lucky to have chosen wisely.

  3. Today I am thankful for my sister who is my partner navigating a difficult day with our mom, who refuses to accept that everything in her life has changed.

    1. Sisters are amazing. I have a bunch so I should know. I am glad that you have someone that understands what you are going through.


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