Thankful Day 21

Happy Thanksgiving! Today I am thankful for my sisters. 3 of them were able to come to my house this year. They all helped out and brought appetizers and desserts. It makes my day much easier. I am also thankful for my nephews. They are growing up so fast. We don't live in the same state, so I don't get to spend nearly as much together as I would like. They are both turning into amazing young men.

What are you thankful for today?

Thankful Day 20


  1. I am thankful for our lovely Thanksgiving Day. Yesterday, I had several hours of help cleaning. I was delighted! There were some deep cleaning jobs that got done, plus many of the regular jobs. So, last evening, I chose to rest and not cook. I normally get most of the cooking done ahead of time, but not this time. I started in at 5 this morning, and cooked up a storm for a few hours, enjoying the quiet time, the peace, and the chance to putter around cooking in my super clean kitchen. After some time, people arrived with all of their goodies, and we visited, feasted, and visited some more.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family and everyone else's too.

    Today I am thankful that we have almost finished packing up the house for our move into our forever home and that we had early access to the sheds on it to take 2 more loads down this week.

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna)


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