Freebie Alert! Free Dog or Cat Food

We all know I love free stuff. This one is just to good to not tell everyone about. Purina is doing a 28 day challenge. When you sign up they will send you a coupon for a free bag of dog or cat food valued at $9.99. It is while supplies last so hurry up and do it today. If you don't have a pet, think about donating it to a local pet shelter or food bank. They are always happy to have it. Good luck!

If you know of any other freebie offers, share them in the comments. 


  1. Replies
    1. I hope your fur babies enjoy it. I know Oreo and Lip will.

  2. Thanks for sharing the link for the free dog food. I signed Scooter up. He is so picky I am willing to try anything...except cooking for him.

    1. I hope he likes it. Oreo will eat anything which is funny because I do cook for her. Lip on the other hand is very picky.

    2. The coupon arrived quickly in the mail and I got Scooter the beef flavored. I don't know if he likes it or not. We were giving him chicken and beef broth while his teeth were sore from being cleaned by the veterinary. Now that his mouth is healed, he is insisting he wants more broth, not dog food. I told him times are tough so everyone must economize and that includes him! He got revenge on me by digging rotten potatoes peels out of the compost pile, said he was recycling.

    3. I got mine and my mom and sister's got theirs. Unfortunately OD did not get hers. I'm hoping it will still arrive for her.


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