Homemade Juice

Have you ever made homemade juice? it is so much better then the stuff you buy in the store. We have had a juicer for about 10 years. My first one I bought from a friend's garage sale. It was small and would take a long time to make a quart of juice. My sister gave us our current juicer as an anniversary present a few years ago. It is so much faster and works better.

I always look at the marked down rack at the store. Apples have been plentiful lately. They usually cost $1.59 for about 3-4 pounds of apples. They are usually a mixed pack which we like for our juice. 

We also like to put carrots into our juice for an extra boost of vitamins. This batch was 15 apples and 4 carrots. So it cost about $3 to make. 

I wash, core and slice everything. 

I usually stop 2 times to clean the pulp out. 

We end up with the best juice. I use old OJ containers to store it in the fridge. It is usually gone in a few days. 

I have added grapes, pears, or peaches. If a piece of fruit needs to be used it gets tossed in. 

The cores get turned in apple cider vinegar or apple cinnamon syrup. The pulp gets turned into cake or muffins

We really try to watch our food waste so everything gets used. 


  1. My juicer is very similar to yours. I haven't used it in ages. Great reminder.
    Fresh juice is so good!

    1. I hope you make some soon. This time of year I can use all the vitamins I can get.


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