Happy Valentine's Day

I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day. When I used to teach Religious Education, I always read a book about St. Valentine for my class. They were always shocked to learn that Valentine's Day was named after a priest.  He wanted to make sure that people that loved each other could be together.  I hope you get to be with the people you love most in the world today.

I like Valentine's Day, but I think people have gotten a little out of control with it. I hear of people spending crazy amounts of money on Valentine's Day.  I have never been nor will I ever be the kind of person that needs you to spend a bunch of money on me to prove that you love me. Hubby knows that. He tells me every day how much he loves me. He shows it to me in all of the silly things he does for me every day. He doesn't wait for Valentine's Day to tell me.

We do like to do things for each other and the kids though. It doesn't take a lot of money to show that we love each other.  Let's look at some ways we celebrate Valentine's Day in our house.

1. Hubby knows not to buy me a heart shaped box of expensive chocolate. I am very happy with a pack of Lindt or Dove chocolates. Bonus points if he got them with a coupon or clearance after Christmas.

2. Homemade cards are a must. It meant that you had to spend a few minutes thinking about me and writing something to make me smile or laugh. My son is famous for his cards in our house. You just never know what you are going to get.

3. I make Hubby heart shaped pancakes for breakfast. They are easy to do and he loves them. I top them with some strawberries and almond whipped cream to make him feel extra special.Cut the strawberries into hearts. Fruit is easy to do. Take a cookie cutter and make some heart shaped toast. I try to sneak hearts into all of our meals on Valentine's Day. 

4.The kids get a candy that I get on sale or clearance for Valentine's Day. I have old heart shaped tins from my parents that I put the candy in. It is candy they like not a box of mixed stuff that they will only eat a few.

5. I write notes and stick them in hidden locations for the day. The have appeared in pocketbooks, notebooks, eye glass cases, in lunch boxes, on car seats and on pillows. I also have found notes hidden for me over the years. It only takes a few minutes to do.

6. We send each other lots of emojis on Valentine's Day to make sure that they know we are thinking of each other. Hubby likes to make sentences with emojis and I have to figure out what the heck he is trying to tell me.

7. There is always baking going on in our house for Valentin'e Day. Some years it is a heart shaped cookies, heart shaped cake or pink frosted cupcakes. Who doesn't love home baked goods?

8. I am not into spending lots of money on roses. They will be dead in a week. Years and years ago Hubby got me a glass purple rose ( my favorite color) and he regives it to me every Valentine's Day.

9. We don't go out to eat because it is so expensive on Valentin's Day. They seem to raise the price so we skip it.  I always make a nice dinner. I put candles on the table and Hubby will have some wine. No waiting for a table to be ready. The best part, the kids do the clean up.

10. We sit on the couch in our pj's and watch a romantic comedy. We get to snuggle. I sometimes get a foot massage.

Show the people you love that you are thinking of them. Take a few minutes out of your busy day. You don't have to spend lots of money on Valentine's Day. I hope you all have a lovely day!


  1. Hope you guys enjoy your day and time together.

    We haven't 'celebrated' in years - as we look at each day as a day of showing our love. We used to spend money that didn't need to be spent and buy things that weren't really needed.
    We care for each other in different ways and just enjoy every day together.

    1. If you are with the one you love, every day should be Valentin's day. Have a wonderful day.

  2. Sounds like the perfect Valentines day!

  3. I made some heart-shaped cupcakes for the kids in our lives. We added a very small gift card to Mcd's for some and Starbucks for another. We spent very little, but had a great time doing it. My husband is a hopeless romantic. I love it. So, he gave me a gift in a heart-shaped box he rounded up somewhere. He confessed that was the hardest thing to find. Ahhhh.... I got him a card and some chocolate-covered coffee beans--just a few for a treat. Little things, but so meaningful. Our best thing was that we chose to take a drive yesterday. We slipped away, just the 2 of us, and drove around, looking at the scenery and visiting country quilt shops. It was so fun, and so rare!

    1. The alone time is the most important part. Glad you got to escape for a little while.

  4. I love the way you make special things for one another Mcoia.

    We spend Valentine's Day similarly to Cheryl and we consider every day Valentine's Day in our home as we have such a good marriage.

    No gifts are purchased but we do wish each other a happy Valentine's Day.

    Have a great week :).

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).


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