I Won!

I am so excited. I won Don't read this; It's boring blog's Februaury contest. Thank you Sluggy. You made my day.

If you have never visited her site, you should. She is really funny and honest. She tells you how it really is. Her husband just retired last year and she lets you follow along financially with  the journey.  She has the cutest little pup named Chester. She is a coupon Goddess. You should definitely go check out her blog. She is one of the reason's I started blogging myself.



  1. Congrats! I saved the site - haven't read it before. Sounds interesting. Thanks

  2. Congrats! I won a Sluggy giveaway a couple years ago and she sends the best boxes. It was packed full of good goodies.

    1. That is great. I can't wait for my box to arrive. I post pictures when it does.

  3. Sluggy is awesome! She is definitely a coupon goddess! I try to replicate some of her coupon success's, but so far a no-go!
    Congrats on your win! I was lucky and won from Sluggy in January.

    1. That is great that you won last month. She does so many giveaways.

      I am always amazed with what she gets from Rite-Aid. She could teach classes.

  4. Aw gee thanks for the love......I am blushing.
    Sounds like somebody has drank the Sluggy Kool-Aid. lolz


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