March 2019 Goals

The year seems to be flying by so fast. We are already at March. My anniversary is this month as well as my son's 20th birthday. How is my little boy turning 20 already? I need to start all of my seeds indoor so they will be ready to plant in May. Lots to do in March. 
- Put 15% into retirement. 
- Grocery Budget of $400 average for the year. 
- List 50 new items on eBay and Craigslist. 
- Make $150 side hustle
- Go over our budget with Hubby 
- Go over the kid's budgets with each of them. 
- YD apply for scholarships. 

- Celebrate Hubby and my anniversary
- Celebrate my son's 20th birthday
- Go on a date with Hubby
- Talk with OD at least 5 times a week.
- Take Oreo for recheck
- Send nephew birthday present
- Help at church event. 
- Go to Accepted Student day at college
- YD dentist

- Work out 15 minutes every other day.
- Go for walk on any nice day
- Read 2 books 
- Have friends over for dinner

- Do one meatless meal a day.
- Do one day a week with no meat at all. 
- Try 2 new recipes.  
- Get another pantry item to 6 months. 
- No food waste.  

- Work on basement
- Declutter

- Plan out what to grow
- Plant seeds that need to be started indoors.
- Order seeds that I might need
- Look into what kind of apple tree to get/order

- Get curtain for laundry area and hang it up
- Hubby fix broken kitchen cabinet
- Get prices for new sliding door.

Did you set any goals for March? 


  1. March? I can't even yet. Have to survive February first. lolz

    1. You can do it. Only one more day left. Hope it's a good one.

  2. Few things I have in mind to do for March are -

    Finances & listing items in my eBay store -

    - Pay the standard home loan mortgage repayment plus monthly interest each month - Done on the monthly interest for this month paid today. The rest the bank takes out via direct debit on the minimum repayment.
    - Found out where the $190 mysterious withdrawal came from and it was the fee for permission from the bank to amalgamate the 2 blocks of land into one. Thank goodness our bank account wasn't hacked and I notified the bank to ring us if there are any further loan fees coming out prior to it happening but I think that is the end of the fees apart from monthly loan interest.
    - Continue to list the rest of the lace curtains I took down that we don't need for the home and use that money to buy more curtain fabric for other rooms where the blinds have stopped working.
    - Go through my sewing craft room and list anything else that is not listed that I have made.
    - Bank $200 a month into savings & build up our home and bank emergency kitties by $40 a fortnight.
    - Go over finances regularly with DH in family counsels.

    Sewing -

    - Finish making the last curtain for the food storage room with fabric I already have.
    - Make 2 curtains for the bedroom with fabric I have purchased.
    - Buy a curtain rod for the lounge room window and hang curtains from the bedroom in the lounge room. The new fabric is darker and will block more light in the bedroom.
    - Patch the remaining Paris fabric with plain co-ordinating fabric to make a curtain for the remaining small window in the lounge room.

    Quality time & date nights/days -

    - Go on a date day once a week with husband.

    Gardens & home maintenance -

    - Start saving to buy metal garden beds for the back yard. We are in termite country so wood does not last and we can buy the above ground ones cheaper than we can make them.
    - Buy a pick head for the secondhand road pick head we purchased for $5.
    - Buy flyscreen clips to secure the lounge room flyscreens in place to stop bugs getting in.

    Reading -

    - Read more of the 3 volumes of books of the "Tighwad Gazette" I purchased.
    - Work on reading to come up with new lines of handmade items for my eBay store.

    All I can think of at the moment and hope everyone achieves their goals for the month as well.

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

    1. It sounds like you will have lots to do in March. I hope you get it all done. Glad your account wasn't hacked.

  3. I am just praying March will be a little easier financially and weather wise.

    1. I will pray for you that it is. March is a 3 paycheck month for Hubby. We will be banking the 3rd check for college costs. I woke up to snow. They predicted 6 inches. It looks to be about an inch so I am happy about that.


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