My Frugal List: Week of February 11, 2019

Hubby and I cleaned out our eve this week. We moved into our house 19 years ago and it got filled through the years. We had no idea what was even back there. Tons of baby clothes, and lots of other useless stuff. I spent hours going through everything. Hubby took a truck load of baby/kids stuff to the church. I kept a few special items but otherwise it was time to get rid of it. Someone else can use the items more then I need them in storage.

I made the small side all wrapping items. Everything is neat and sorted with the help of my YD. The luggage is also back there. We gave away a garment bag and throw away a large suitcase that the wheels were broken. Now there is a lot more room on that side. 

Hubby started going through some crates in the basement. Our basement is unfinished. He keeps his work benches and drums down there. We also keep our food storage down there. We do not have an attic or garage so everything ends up in the basement for storage. We are hoping to be able to use more space in the basement and put long term storage items in the eve. Hubby moved some of our camping gear into the eve. He had room to spread out his drums more. I will be going through every box and crate in the basement and moving items up as I go through them. Some things will also be listed for sale or donated. 

I got some great deals this week at Stop & Shop. They are redoing the floor so everything was a mess. They had tons of chicken marked down. I bought 4 whole chickens and 3 packs of chicken breasts on the bone. I paid 89¢ - $1.09 a pound. My freezers are full. The GF pizzas were on sale for $6 each. There was a $1.50 Ibotta rebate for each one. The yogurt and cheese snacks were free. The tooth paste was marked down to 94¢ each. The foot insoles(for my son) were 75% off for $4.99. He stands on his feet at work all day and they really help. 

I had gone to Kmart because they sent me a free $5 off $5. Clearance items don't count towards it. They had 4 Listerine on clearance. Hubby and I have been using my homemade mouthwash but the kids prefer Listerine. For 83¢ each, I don't mind buying it. 

My son wasn't feeling well early in the week. His throat started bothering him. I pulled out all of our medicine, vitamins and teas for him. He was feeling better a few days later. Hubby, YD and I all started taking lots of vitamin C and D so that we wouldn't catch it. I started a cleaning frenzy. My throat got itchy for a day and a half and Hubby and YD were fine. Everyone is healthy again. 

We have eaten all meals at home this week. All leftovers were eaten also. 

Valentines Day was very sweet. We made homemade cards and I made heart shaped pancakes and strawberries. I made steak and potatoes for dinner. Hubby had some wine and we ate on our good chine with candles. I made Hubby a homemade gift and he got me a chocolate/caramel apple. It was so good. The kids each got 2 candy bars in an old heart shaped box that I got from my mom. I think $10 was spent total for the day. 

We started with the new less expensive cable package this week. No one in the house has complained about there being fewer channels. The company sent me a box with the return label for the 2nd DVR so I sent that out free of charge. 

What did you do this week to be frugal? 


  1. I love attic storage areas like yours, but you say you do not have an attic? So is this unfinished space under a dormer?

    1. There is a sloped ceiling on one side of our bedroom. We put our closets there and the eve behind them. You have to go through my closet to get into the eve. We have a flat roof so no attic.

  2. Good job on decluttering! I need to do so much more. I have a full attic - but thank goodness I never have put a thing in it!
    Our basement sure is handy though.
    You really got some good deals. I wish our K-Mart was still around. They closed about a year and a half ago or more - Sears too now.
    Have a great week again!

    1. You got great deals this week too. I am so jealous of the ground beef for 99¢ a pound. I was telling Hubby all about it. Our K-Mart isn't that great any more. It is very run down and not staffed well. Their clearance prices are good. Their stuff that is not on sale is not a bargain. With so many other stores near by, they aren't priced for the competition. I do better at other stores.

  3. Well done Mcoia on your decluttering and it looks like you made fantastic progress :). The addition of meat on special in our home is always a blessings as no doubt it is in yours as it is one of our most expensive items here in our grocery budget.

    Our savings last week added up to $348 :) -

    Blessings -

    - We were gifted 3 dozen eggs from a friend who had to many.
    - Another friend gave me quite a few figs from her tree as she had to many. They have been my fruit for most of the week.

    In the kitchen -

    - Made a cheesecake with cream cheese purchased on special and lemon juice we froze from gifted lemons saving us $69.48 over purchasing one of equivalent quality in the shops.

    House organisation and maintenance -

    - DH replaced flyscreen in a door and window and removed chicken wire from a garden bed we are removing saving $125 over hiring a tradesman to do it for us.
    - I cleaned half of the homes glass windows and doors inside and out.

    Sewing -

    - I made 4 bread bags which I listed in my eBay store for sale.

    Earnings and finances -

    - I earned $34.38 from the sale of 2 bread bags in my eBay store.
    - DH earned $50 from a paid mowing job he got.
    - We paid off another extra part payment off our home mortgage.
    - Listed 28 homemade items on eBay on a free listing and final auction value fee promotion saving $46.20 on usual listing fees.

    Purchases -

    - Purchased 50 disposable lighters for use around the home and some for storage saving us $61.60 over buying them in the local stores singularly.
    - Purchased needed fabrics for the sewing room and enough curtain fabric to make 2 rooms of curtains to replace blinds that don't work. These were all on a 40% off sale saving in total $45.72 on usual prices.

    Have a wonderfully frugal week ahead everyone :).

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

    1. You did great this week. All of the little things really add up to make big differences.

  4. Good job on all that cleaning! What a good feeling to get that done:). I got some house cleaning done this week--several hours of it, and it looks like I need to start all over! That's how it goes, and I hope to put some more time towards it this weekend.

    I cooked at home and used quite a few items from the freezers and canning cupboards.
    I got my seeds sorted, and am ready to place my seed orders. It's time to get things growing so I can fill all those empty jars and cartons again this summer.

    I had out-of-town company and thoroughly enjoyed seeing a friend and her adult daughter that I have not seen for quite some time. What a treat.

    I didn't have to do much shopping, for the first time in February. We just got a little produce a couple of times and otherwise used things on hand. I can tell that I will need to replenish some basics next month, though.

    I finally chose a recipe plugin for my blog, and installed it and spent WAY too long today figuring it out, only to realize that I was not scrolling down enough to find the button I needed! ARRRRR!!! (I did choose a free one, and can always update if it isn't meeting my needs). I'm just glad I figured it out at last, and will soon get that gluten-free pizza recipe up there for you! My daughter and her friend won the entire Oregon 4-H state fair cooking contest with it a few years ago. We really like it, but it's a bit of work to mix all the flours, so I tend to make up several batches of the flour mixture and put it in baggies for quick dinners. I haven't done it for ages, so hopefully I will in the next couple of days. I want to make it, so I can have a picture, and then I'll post it for you. I did put up the Gluten-Free Pumpkin Spice Bars recipe that I developed yesterday. I needed a dessert to feed the college-age group at church last night. It was really good.

    1. No rush on the recipes. Whenever you get a chance. I know you have a lot going on. That is great that you figured out how to do the plugin. I have Hubby to show me all of these things. I am pretty bad without his help on the computers.

      So glad you were able to visit with friends. Your camper is very useful. It is like a little guest house.

      It will be spring before we know it. We will all be busy with our gardens which I can't wait for. I love seeing everything you and others can. Have a wonderful week.

  5. Glad you are all feeling better now. There are still so many students and teachers at school who are sick here. I'm ready for some warmer weather and maybe everyone can get well. I hope you have a good week.

    1. Thank you. Yesterday it was snowing. Today it is 55 degrees out. This winter has been crazy.


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