Adding to my garden

I came across a free ad a few weeks ago for raspberry canes. The man had bought the vacant lot next to his house and it was covered in trees, weeds and lots of raspberry canes. I was lucky to see the ad about a half hour after he posted. I emailed him right away and he said there were boxes at his curb. Come and take whatever I wanted. It was about 8:30 at night but Hubby and I didn't want to miss out on free raspberries so we went then. When we arrived, there were several large boxes, garbage cans and tubs. The man had asked that we leave the cans behind but we could take the boxes. So we took 2 boxes. When we got home we left them in the bed of Hubby's truck covered. In the morning we got to work. 

I started moving all of the canes into buckets of water. I carefully separated them to see how many we had. We got over 40. While I was doing that, Hubby and my son started to dig a trench to put them in. They also put in two shelf posts that we had to put at the ends of the trench. 

Then we planted all of the canes.

I bought some wire to run between the posts. Hubby helped me. We did one up top, one in the middle and one towards the bottom. 

We tied the canes to the wire with string that I had to make them grow were we want them and to keep them controlled. I paid $6.49 for the wire. 

They are all ready to go. 

I am hoping for lots of these little guys this summer. These berries are from an empty lot near my house that several people in the neighborhood know about. They go fast. Now I will have my own supply in my yard. 

I don't need a lot to get my investment back. 


  1. Good luck with the berry plants. Mine took a couple years to produce much. Hoping you gets lots of wonderful berries!

  2. I hope you have an abundant supply this year. :)

  3. They look wonderful next to the fence and that many plants for free is wonderful :). I hope you get an abundant amount of berries off them to feed your family with and fill the freezer too.

    I did a little bit of salvaging things for free too for the gardens. We had some old aluminium blinds we took down that didn't work. I saved the slats to use as plant markers in the gardens and will just trim them down the bottom into a point to use in the gardens and I will probably cut some to sell online as well as they cost a fortune to buy the metal ones.

    We also salvaged what wood we could from the floor of grapeyard vineyard we are destructing due to termite damage to chop up to use in the fireplace this coming winter. The rest of the gal pipe, good upright posts and heavy duty chicken wire we are saving for our kangaroo proof garden enclosure too. Any rotten pieces of wood we broke off and took to the local tip.

    As I always say waste not want not :).

    Have a great week everyone :).

    sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

    1. Great job on reusing what you have. No reason to buy new.

  4. Wow, a freebie that will last for years and years. Great finde.


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