Friday Freebies

I brought home a lot of free food this week. YD and I worked a church event Tuesday night. It was a Dine Around. About 30 restaurants participate. Drinks are also donated by local stores too. It costs $25 to attend (volunteers are free) and you get to have food from all the different restaurants. There is music and raffles too. YD and I run the raffles with 2 of my friends. I made 2 baskets from things I had in the house and gave a few items to my friend for her basket. We had a great time and raised a nice amount of money for the church. There is always tons of food leftover.

We left 8 trays of unopened food for the church. Opened food cannot be left so we offer it to the volunteers. I brought home 8 mini sheppard pies, German potato salad, pulled pork, brisket, mango chicken, meatball sandwiches, chicken parmigiana, sesame chicken, fried catfish with rice, beef tips with mushrooms, an empanada, plantains, chicken fingers , garlic knots and a crepe. Several volunteers took food home too. So many people didn't want anything. I made up containers and was handing them out to people as they left. Because Ash Wednesday was the next day, people didn't want it. Several people were willing to take the plain pasta with red sauce so I was giving that away. I'm not big on reheated pasta so I didn't take any.

I froze most of the mango chicken. That will be 2 dinners. I also froze half of the pulled pork. That will be a future dinner. 4 of the sheppard pies were also frozen for meals for my son and me. Thursday we ate lunch and dinner as leftovers. I love when I don't have to cook.

YD and I also came home with leftover drinks. They only have so much room to store the cold drinks at the church. I took iced tea and beer. The kids like the iced tea and Hubby will enjoy the beer.

I also got a sample of coffee and bag of peanuts from 2 of the vendors.

YD went to Florida with her Aunt. She won a ticket for Playlist Live next year. She was so excited. 

I earned a $5 Starbucks gift card from Lucky Day. It will go in my son's Easter basket.

I got 7 hair masks for free with coupons. Some of them will go in the girl's Easter baskets. 

My neighbor gave me another block of American cheese. 

Friends of ours came over for dinner. My girlfriend made me this beautiful quilt. She also made dairy free chocolate chip cookies for dessert. Hubby loved them. The other couple brought fruit. 

My son got free food 2 days at work. One day he was off and they asked him to come in. Another day he stayed late. He gave me the soup because it is my favorite. 

Hubby and I went out to eat with a gift card to Cheesecake Factory. 

I got books and DVDs from the library.

Hubby had to go for a medical test. They gave him paper pants and a bag to put his belongings in. He brought both home. Those pants are great to put over your clothes when painting. 

I went food shopping with the Walmart gift card I earned from Swagbucks. I still have more on the gift card. Free groceries are my favorite. 

What freebies did you get this week? 


  1. You definitely must be living right!!! You get the best stuff. WOW that's a lot of good food you received from the church. That would make a lot of meals for sure.
    Good going.

    1. There was so much leftover. People didn't want to take any. I don't understand. I froze a bunch because we won't be able to eat it all right away. But it freezes fine. My friends and I took a bunch but some still went in the garbage. Makes me said. People complain about how expensive food is but then don't take free food when it is offered to them.

  2. Hi Mcoia and you did well for the month and the leftover church food and drinks were a blessing and make so many meals. I also hate waste so I am glad you took the food home and will make good use of it.

    I don't understand why people don't take free leftover food either it is a shame. I think a lot of people feel embarassed thinking that others will think they are financially in difficulty if they do, do not eat leftovers usually, or have a culture in their own homes of throwing things out regularly and feel that is fine. There is a lot of food wasted around the world in many households that could go to feed the homeless, those on lower incomes and those who are frugal normally who are grateful for any food.

    In our church we give any function leftovers to our missionaries and many families with young children and others usually take it too. Rarely is anything wasted.

    Here was our freebies for the week -

    - A few different friends gave us a watermelon, honey due melon, flake, nectarines and 2 dozen eggs.
    - Our neighbour who doesn't use her grey water said we could use her's to water our paddock fruit and mulberry trees with. We connected our spare grey water hose to it to reach the trees. Being in drought this allows us to water our lawns with our grey water and keep our fruit trees alive as well without using expensive town water which we pay for by the megalitre here for in our 6 monthly water property rates.

    Hope everyone else has had a wonderful week too :).

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

    1. Free food and free water, you are very lucky. I am glad you are finding ways to get more water during a drought.

  3. That was a TON of free food! Congratulations on getting all of that!

    We got some free quilt block kits again, when we went to some quilt shops. Our daughter wanted to go, so my husband took her to the ones we didn't get to last Saturday and she got the rest of the blocks. I'm hoping she likes making quilt blocks, but time will tell. I helped her get the first one cut out, as I'm worried about her using a rotary cutter since she doesn't know how. I've been too busy to work much on my quilt this week. Or blog. Or anything much but work with my niece and nephew. I'm hoping this week will be slightly better.

    We got our daughter free chicken nuggets from McDonald's because the Portland Trail Blazer basketball team got over 100 points at their game last night.

    My husband got into the movies for free as a personal support worker for our autistic niece. The movie was to her liking, not his especially, but he still liked going for free, and was happy to take her. Our daughter had a gift card from Christmas, so her ticket was paid for as well. They watched "How to Train Your Dragon III."

    1. That is great that your movie theater does that. Where I used to work didn't do that. We did do once a month special screening and the lights would stay on and the volume was lower. It was nice. I'm glad the girls had a good time.

      Free food is always great. And the McDonald's would be a nice treat. I hope Patsy likes making the quilt squares. What you make is so pretty. Learning to do it young is a great skill. I hope your week goes back to normal. I hope Jake is feeling better. Poor kid.


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