
My car started making a really loud obnoxious noise last week. I told Hubby about it. He took my car for a drive. I drive a 2006 Toyota Sienna. We got it used in 2008 I think. It was a great car for 3 kids and I watched my niece at the time. My car has been hit several times. Never anything major thankfully. She is beat up but she keeps on going. Hubby stays on top of the maintenance. So back to the noise. Hubby thought it was the muffler. Before work yesterday, Hubby and I dropped my car at the mechanic. He is close by and we use him often. We have 4 older vehicles. They do good work and are very honest. Later in the day I got the call that the car was ready. My son was home so he drove me over to pick it up. When I went to pay, they handed me the keys. I told them I didn't pay yet. He said "No Charge". I was missing a screw and something needed to be tightened. He did it for free. I couldn't believe it. All day I was bugging Hubby about how much a new muffler was. Maybe it was time to get a newer car. We have been having problems with the one sliding door so we don't use it. I was thinking we might need to go car shopping. All it needed was a missing screw. 

Last night I was telling Hubby has nice our mechanic is and how you hear some horrible stories about mechanics ripping people off. I said to him that I should make them cookies or muffins. Hubby wasn't sure if they would eat home baked goods. So this morning I went to the Entenmann's Outlet. It is a little out of the way but I have been wanting to go. I went early because that is when they have the most stock. I was the only customer there so the clerk started talking to me when I walked in. She was putting Items out and marking things down. She pointed to 2 full shelving units and told me they were all 3 for $3. So I went to look. I got a bunch of goodies. I grabbed 2 boxes for the mechanics, 2 boxes for Hubby's job and a few for us. 

On the way home I dropped them of to the shop. The mechanic came out and asked what was wrong with the car? I told him it was good, I just wanted to bring him and his guys donuts for yesterday. He couldn't believe it. He said "I can't believe you got us donuts. That is so nice. It was just a missing screw." To me it was a lot more. He could have charged me an hour of service because they have a sign that says that. He didn't. I wanted to do something to show him I was thankful for him. I am trying to be more appreciative of the little things and to let people know. So today I did. It doesn't have to cost you a lot to do it. I only spent $2. 

Hubby's job also loved the donuts as did my kids and Hubby. 


  1. Nice job! It only takes a small gesture to turn a person's day around sometimes. If you want a kinder world, be that change. ;-)

  2. Gives one pause to realize that there are still good honest people out there. He could have told you a story and charged you a bunch.
    How wonderful for you guys. That was a nice thank you to them and obviously that doesn't happen often or he wouldn't have been so surprised.

    1. I am very thankful that their are still honest people out there.

  3. It is great that it was only a screw and no charge to boot!! I am sure the goodies were well appreciated.

    Enjoy, Janie

  4. I love this story and I love finding honest people. What a heartwarming story.

    1. We always hear the bad stories, I wanted to talk about the good ones too.


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