Things that are making me happy!

I feel it is good to appreciate the little things in our everyday lives.So I am listing them here. 

1. Hubby and I are home alone from Thursday night until Monday night. My son went to visit OD in Baltimore and YD went to Florida with my sister. We have to 2 puppies with us. Snow is supposed to be coming tonight so they all might have to stay another day. They are happy about that.

Hubby and I are enjoying the alone time. We went to Cheesecake Factory using a gift card for dinner on Thursday. We then went to All American for dinner Saturday. 2 dates in one week. We have been watching movies from the library. 

2. Our friends are coming over for dinner. Much cheaper to have everyone here then going out to a nice restaurant. Good food and good friends. What else could I ask for? 

3. I got a free coupon in the mail. We all know I love free stuff. 

4. I sold an item on Craigslist. Straight into the college fund. Cash in stuff out. 

5. We got the curtains for the laundry area. They were on sale for $7.95 each.  Hubby did a great job hanging them up. They are a little long so I will be hemming them this week. We wanted them hung with our friends coming over. 

What is making you happy this week? 


  1. Love that you and hubby had some alone time and 'dates'.
    I am thankful for a full pantry and freezers and being able to cook just about anything my heart desires. I am thankful for my sweet fur babies, they give us so much unconditional love and lift our spirits.
    Of course I am thankful for my hubs and that we have what health we have.
    Oh golly, so many more things!

    1. Great list. Fur babies are the best. We both have so much to be thankful for.

  2. Nice list of happiness. I love going to the theater to see movies but I am not willing to ever pay the regular price.

    1. I can't tell you the last time I paid to go to a movie in a theater. It would be over 13 years because that is how long I worked at one. I love movies. Can't wait to see Captain Marvel.

  3. I love free coupons too. Great on selling your item for $14. Every little bit helps. :)

  4. Enjoy that empty house while you can. Ah, I remember those days........

    1. I know you are jealous. My son is on his way home now. I don't want them to leave permanently yet but it is nice for a few days.

  5. Thankful for 1. the talent for writing my thoughts in a journal; 2.the Lord's strength and courage in motherhood, even when I'm exhausted and don't feel like I can; 3.the discipline it took to be able to pay down half our debt last night!! Super excited!!

    1. I don't know how old your kids are but they do grow up. It does get easier physically. Hang in there. Great job on paying off half of your debt. That is huge. Take the time everyday to write down what you are grateful for or happy about. It takes 2 minutes and it puts life into perspective. Have a wonderful day.

  6. Mcoia I love your list of things to be grateful for and husband and wife alone time is fantastic when you have children and good on you for having a date night together too : ).

    Things that make me happy are -

    - Finding decorator fabric on special for $4 per metre reduced from $15 per metre to make curtains for the bedroom and food storage room with. Really chuffed with the way they turned out for such a low price.

    - Having wonderful date days/nights with my husband. We went on a lovely country drive today and had a date on Sunday too.

    - Being able to find great bargains on groceries and meat that we have found lately to fill up the freezer with.

    Have a great week and it is wonderful to think about ways we can be grateful and happy in each and every one of our days :).

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna) .

    1. Grocery deals make me happy too. Hubby and I love going on drives in the country in the fall. All the beautiful colors. Then we have a picnic. Simple things. Have a wonderful week.


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