Same thing, different price?

Hubby asked if I could maybe get some kalamata olives from Meat Farms when I went. He loves them and I haven't gotten them in a while. I went today to get some fruits and vegetables. The olives that were by the deli were $5.99 a pound. I can get a really nice steak for that price. Hubby would not want me to spend that kind of money on olives. 

I did my shopping getting the strawberries that were on sale 2 packs for $3. I got some lettuce since mine is still very small. I got 1 green pepper for 43¢ for fresh eating. I got apples that were on sale for 99¢ a pound. I then went into the condiment aisle to see if they had olives in a jar. 

They did. The same kind of olives in a 16.9 oz jar were $2.49. I got more then a pound for less then half the price. Hubby is happy he got them and I can live with the price. 

Look at this. I always check the meat rack. When did skirt steaks get so out of control? $18.99 a pound is crazy. It isn't from the local farmer. It is from a chain store. I won't be buying any of these anytime soon. Good thing I got lots of meat marked down recently. 


  1. That is a ridiculous price for meat!

  2. The excuse given to me by the meat department where I shop was the loss of cattle in the mid-west flood is causing higher beef prices. I looked at him and laughed.

    1. I got ground beef last week for 99¢ a pound in a different store. I think they make up reasons to raise prices.


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