Youngest Daughter Graduated!

It has been a wonderful crazy week. Youngest daughter graduated from high school. We are so proud of her. She was 14th in her class of over 500 kids. She received several medals at the ceremony. She worked very hard and it really showed. 

She had prom the night before graduation and had a wonderful time. We got a great deal on her dress months ago. It was less then a $100. She wore shoes that she had. My girlfriend did her hair for free(she refused to take money) as YD's gift. She did her own make up and nails. She looked stunning. I did splurge and get her a corsage. She loved it. We went to a pre-prom party at her friend's house to take photos. The parents had food for all of us which I thought was really nice of them. She brought home one of the centerpieces. It was a light up lantern with lots of balloons attached. She then went to a different friend's house after and went swimming and slept over. We were all very tired. 

During all of this, Ruby, OD and her fiance came home to celebrate with us. We had a party at the house on Saturday for YD. They helped us set everything up in the yard . We served make your own taco/ burrito bowls. It was a hit. I of course forgot to take pictures. Thank goodness for family and friends or I wouldn't have any.  

Everyone was so great and helped out. We borrowed tables and chairs from my sister and Hubby's brother. He also lent us a pop up tent. We also put up a tent that we got for OD communion almost 20 years ago. One of my sister's brought a cheese and cracker platter. My other sister did virgin strawberry daiquiris. It was hot and they were wonderful. My mom and dad brought veggies platters. I popped a ton of popcorn that my sister had given me that was leftover from a fundraiser. Hubby's cousin brought a cookie tray and a friend brought ice cream. 

YD saw a display at our local party store. They wanted $60 for it. She made it with OD for about $18. I bought the supplies. It came out great. We added a few balloons to the top. Several of her friends are going to use it for their upcoming parties. 

I love homemade gifts. My friend is so talented. She made her this adorable bear. She also gave YD a huge box of school supplies for college. My aunt made a beautiful blanket for YD to use in her dorm room. Everyone was so generous. 

YD, OD and I made the desserts. We made a ton of cupcakes, jello and we had lots of fruit. The tray of cookies that Hubby's cousin brought were delicious. 

Youngest daughter had a great time. It didn't rain! Everyone had a great day. I just can't believe my little girl graduated high school. College, here she comes. 


  1. Everything looks so festive and delicious. Her dress was beautiful...well, from the back. Congratulations to both of you.

    1. Thanks. I try not to put my kid faces on here. My blog not theirs. I like to give them their privacy. When I put stuff about them on here I always ask first.

  2. Love her dress, & glad everything went smoothly with prom & graduation!

    1. Thank you. She had a great time at both. She has a ton of parties over the next 2 months before she leaves for college.

  3. Congratulations, now you just need to get her through college. You are almost there.

    1. College seemed a lot easier with my oldest then high school. There are some mean kids out there. There doesn't seem to be bullying at college or at least a lot less. . I know she can handle the work.

  4. Congratulations! Hoping she has a bright future. This says as much for you guys as her. You have set a good example. The best to everyone.

    All the party stuff looks neat and your petite daughter is stunning!

    1. Thank you. We have 3 great kids and like to think that we helped make them that way.


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