My Garden July 22, 2019

The raspberries are ready. I have been picking about a pint + a day. Everyone has been eating them. I did manage to get some hidden in the freezer. 

Hubby is having a fight with several birds. They keep eating the raspberries and he keeps spraying them with the hose. I finally put sheets on top of the raspberry plants. 

I made french toast over the weekend and we had raspberries with it. YD loves raspberries in a cup with chocolate chips and whipped cream. Considering we got the canes free earlier this year, we are doing great. I can't believe how many we have gotten so far. 

I picked my first zucchini. The weather is supposed to cool off this week so I might bake a zucchini pie. 

The kale is huge. I keep giving bags of it away. I froze more too. It won't stop growing. 

To be fair, the weeds won't stop growing either. 

My lettuce is looking good. 

The tomatoes are getting bigger. 

I have a bunch of baby eggplants. 

The peppers are starting to change colors. 

The cucumber vines are everywhere. 

They are working their way through the zucchini plants. 

The mint is wonderfully contained. 

My other herbs are doing great. I picked some dill heads and the seeds are drying. 

I love my dehydrator. It has been used often lately. 

I picked a ton of basil so we had pesto several times.

How is your garden doing? What are you growing? 


  1. I envy you the raspberries and basil. Maybe if you put some corn on the ground way on the other side of the house, the birds would go there.

    1. I have my bird feeder on the other side of the yard full. I also have water out for them. It was really hot this weekend too so I thought they were thirsty but they just keep eating the berries.

  2. WOW, your garden is doing great! You will be harvesting bunches in no time.
    Raspberries sound good!

    1. They are small but delicious. Every time I pick something from the garden, I think I can use my grocery money for stocking up.

  3. Oh wow, such beautiful produce!

    1. Thank you. We had the zucchini and it was delicious.


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