Things that are making me happy...

1. OD and her fiance booked a wedding venue. They are getting married next July! Time to get busy with everything because it will be here before we know it. I can't believe my little girl is getting married. 

2. The garden is doing great. It is the season of the never ending kale. I cannot give it away fast enough. I need to find more recipes to use it up. I have frozen so much. Peppers are doing good still. We are eating them often. 

3. A husband who loves to cook. Hubby smoked chicken and ribs on Sunday. We had leftovers for days so I didn't have to cook several nights. 

4. The birds are so pretty. They have been eating some of my raspberries but I am willing to share. They go between the bird feeder and the raspberries. I have been changing their water  several times a day. 

5. Good friends. My girlfriend went to Hawaii and brought me back chocolate. It is so good. 

What is making you happy today? 


  1. Apparently the shoe store did not order my shoes. My neighbor/friend is doing things to hurt me financially. So this is not a happy day. I am glad the storms missed me.

    1. I am sorry you are having a bad day. I am sorry to say if your neighbor is hurting you financially then she is not your friend. I hope tomorrow is a better day.

  2. The chocolate covered macadamias would make me very very happy. Today I found ground horchata flavored coffee at World Market. It was on clearance at 2.97 a bag. I ordered 6 of them and am super excited!

  3. That chicken looks so good and I love the photo of the bird. I like to take a photo when see one too. That was nice of your friend to bring you chocolate.

    1. I love all of the birds. I keep trying to get pictures of the woodpecker but they don't cooperate like the blue jays.

  4. Hi Mcoia and you have a lot to be happy about and macadamias are my favourite. Send our congratulations to OD and her fiance for us.

    Things that make me happy are -
    - Feeding our wild swamp wallaby by hand on our back patio.
    - Watching all the little fairy wrens bouncing around the back yard happily collecting grass seed.
    - The knowledge of our doctor finding out why I have not been feeling too well the last few months and treating it.
    - Buying more food storage shelves for our food storage room so we have more room to store food.
    - The warmth of the house in winter now we have installed our ceiling insulation in the home.
    - Watching the cat pat DH with her paw when she wants attention is so cute.
    - That we have a roof over our head, plenty of food in the home, our bills all paid and savings in the bank too.

    There is always things to make us happy each and every day if we look for them.

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna)

    1. That is a wonderful list. I am glad the doctor figured out what is going on. I hope you are feeling better. Have a great day.

  5. I’d love some chocolate covered macadamia nuts. 😊
    Congratulations on your daughter’s upcoming wedding!

    Cooking and sharing a meal with a friend made me happy today.

    (I found your blog through Belinda’s. I love reading about saving and frugality.)

  6. Hope all is well. Miss your freebie Friday posts.


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