Friday Freebies October 11, 2019

We went away with my sister for 4 days in upstate NY. We stayed at her friend's beautiful lake house. We bought them a thank you gift but that was all it cost for lodging. It was a very inexpensive trip. 

The check for YD's scholarship came and it went right back into the college fund. 

I got my free Starkist tuna. 

I used a free item coupon for B&BW. It will go into someone's stocking. 

When I left the mall, there was a mall stroller on the way to my car. No one was around and there was a bag in it. I guess when the person picked up the child, they left the bag behind. The perfume went into my gift stash. 

I gave my neighbor some of the apples we picked and some tomatoes from my garden. She got us cupcakes as a thank you. 

My sister dropped Lip off and some food items too. 

I earned 2 gift cards from Verizon up. 

The garden is still going. 

What freebies did you get this week? 


  1. That's a beautiful lake house.

    I received several oranges from a neighbor. Other than that, no freebies this week. And I avoided going to stores, so it was a very frugal week. :)

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  2. What an absolutely gorgeous home. It looks more like a hotel. I can't even imagine living in something like that.

    Great going on the scholarships funds. You look to have had another good week.

    1. They don't live there full time. It is their summer home. I am hoping to do a post on the trip. The house is amazing.

  3. Hi Marybeth,
    Those are some wonderful freebies that you received this week. I certainly can't top yours. I had to think hard for a bit. Let's see, this week, our garden is still producing a little, my daughters bought us some treat foods, like taco shells and potato chips, that we would not be able to buy otherwise, I was able to watch 2 episodes of a favorite show on the free part of (not the Passport part of PBS), I found a couple of things while cleaning (while not free, finding them saved me from buying more), and I found 3 pennies on the floor at Walmart. Not a lot of freebies, but we still managed to live frugally and put more money into savings. So that's a good week.

    have a lovely weekend, Marybeth

    1. Thank you. It all adds up to save us money in the long run.

  4. I don't think I got anything free this week, but I did nothing to get free things. Having to be with Mom so often has changed the dynamics of our life. You neither spend nor save money when you are mainly running back and forth to either fill in for a caretaker who couldn't make it, or running back and forth after being summoned. Come to think of it, I did get one free thing. My sister and I are both filling up our car once a month with Mom's credit card because we both run all over the place either taking her to her numerous medical appointments or procuring whatever obscure item she needs "right now"

    1. I am so sorry that you have so much going on right now. I wish I lived close by so that I could help you.

  5. Hope no one came back looking for their perfume.

    1. It was rainy out. I looked around for someone with a baby but didn't see anyone.

  6. I like all your freebies except the bag of perfume. Doesn't the mall have a lost and found?

    1. I was outside in the parking lot. I would assume that it does have one. Not really sure. I have worked several places where the lost and found just ends up in the garbage so I don't feel bad about taking it. There was no way for me to find the person. It wasn't a wallet that had an ID.

  7. Wow, your garden is doing well still producing tomatoes like that. Ours had always burned up by this time of year. LOL I need to use up my tuna coupon too. I have it in my purse, just need to use it.

    1. We had a very wet spring so they went in late. We never had really hot days this summer either.


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