Friday Freebies October 18, 2019

My son started his new job last week. They ordered him uniforms. This Monday he was given 11 uniforms (shirts and pants). At my old job all I got was 2 shirts. I had to beg for a 3rd. 

Some friends and I met for breakfast at Panera. I had a free pastry on my card so I got a cinnamon roll. I also used the $3 gift card I got last week from Verizon. You have to use the whole $3 in one transaction so I got 3 bagels. I ate one there, gave one to my friend and brought one home. 

I picked up a freebie from Stop N Shop. We wont eat it so Hubby brought it to work and one of his coworkers ate it. 

YD has food credits at college. It is a weekly use it or lose it system. Every Wednesday she goes to the market and uses any extra credits that she has. This week she got 3 boxes of cereal. She had eaten at some free events this week because it is homecoming this weekend. She will be doing the same thing this week. She has quite a pile of food stashed by doing this every week. We are visiting her soon and she told me to bring a box so that I can take a bunch of it home. We did pay for the meal plan but most kids just lose their extra credits. Not my kid. She is like me in so many ways. 

Hubby needed a tool from Harbor Freight. He used a free item coupon to get another flashlight. These little lights are great. We keep one in each car, one in each bedroom and one in the shed. 

P treated me to lunch at the diner one day. I brought the leftovers home and my son had them for lunch the next day. I made a batch of cookies at P's house. He told me to take half home or he would eat them all. I took 8 home and my son and I enjoyed them. P and I picked up his prescription at the pharmacy. They had a bowl of free candy so I took a piece of chocolate of course. 

The garden is still going. I am down to peppers and tomatoes. There is one eggplant still out there. I will see if it gets big enough to do anything with. 

I sent several jars of apple syrup to work with Hubby. I had made applesauce and there was a lot of cores. The next day Hubby's boss sent him home with a bag of apples as a thank you. He had gone apple picking over the weekend and picked 200 pounds. We will always take more apples. 

Lots of little things that add up to us saving money. Did you get any freebies this week? 


  1. Your daughter has had good role models on being thrifty. So happy she is following the same lifestyle - as it will reward her as she goes on.
    You had a good week. My garden is done now as we have had a few very cold nights.
    Have a good one.

    1. Thank you. I have to get outside and pick more tomatoes and peppers. Maybe I will make a batch of salsa with these.

  2. As always you scored great on the freebies. I slice very small eggplant and sir into spaghetti sauce.

    1. I do it with big eggplants, I guess I could do it with a small one too. Thanks

  3. Hi! I saw you comment on another blog about making apple cider vinegar. Is your recipe on your blog? How would I find it? Thanks!
    Warm Regards,

  4. Your pepper crop is great! Mine was not good but I did notice yesterday that there might be a couple of stragglers still hanging on. We are expecting a good freeze this weekend, but that’s what they said before......I’m glad you are getting so much good produce and other free things.

    1. Better late then never right. I am very happy with everything I am getting. I really thought I wasn't going to get much this year due to all of the rain in the spring.


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