$100 Grocery Challenge: 1st week of January

Whenever I do a challenge like this, I immediately run out of something. I thought I had another Smart Balance in the freezer but I can't find it. I went to BJ's and spent $19.45 for the week. All of the prices are below. 

We ate very well this week. I cooked a turkey that I bought before Thanksgiving for 39¢ a pound. It was a 16 pounder. We have gotten several meals out of it. It was the 4 of us and YD boyfriend. I brought a meal to a friend. She started working a second job so she doesn't have a lot of time to cook. I also brought a meal to the gentlemen I help. 

Hubby sliced the breast meat very thin to use for sandwiches this week. I made stock from the bones and made a batch of turkey soup too. We ate some for dinner and some for lunch the next day. Again I brought some to the man I help. The rest of the turkey I froze for future meals. 

Hubby was in the mood for chili so I made up a pot. We always put it on rice. 3 containers went into the freezer for easy future meals. 

I made hot dogs with chili for my son and Hubby the next day. YD and I went with salads. 

I had a small flank steak in the freezer. I cooked it in the crock pot. I made rice to go with it. There were leftover veggies and potatoes so everyone took what they wanted. 

I cooked the last 2 pumpkins. I see muffins in our future. I froze the pumpkin for now. 

Saturday we ate at my sister's house for my Dad's birthday. I was in charge of GF cookies and DF brownies. Everything came from my pantry. My sister sent us home with lots of leftovers. We ate them the next day. 

Breakfasts this week were homemade waffles (I made a double batch to have extra), steel cut oats, french toast from the freezer and eggs. 

Our freezer is full again thanks to all of the pumpkin and leftovers. We are almost out of apples and I finished the fresh celery. I have some frozen and some dehydrated so I might just use that when I make more soup. I will need to get more lettuce this week too. 

What did you spend on groceries this week? 


  1. That is a lot of pumpkin! It looks delicious.

    1. It is. Several people gave me their pumpkins so I am happy to cook them. Free food is my favorite.

  2. Your meals sound yummy. You are doing good. So far I have spent no money on groceries - we will see how it goes as the month rolls on.

  3. I don't have a grocery budget, which sounds horrible, and I try to not look at the total. I am on an extremely, strict diet due to health problems and many of the items I must eat (doctor's orders) are expensive. If I see what I am spending, I will feel guilty and stop eating. Food is my medicine. However, I do everything I can (garden, canning, buying in bulk, couponing) to keep the expense down but it is hard when I see the total bill.

    1. You have to do what is healthy for you. I totally understand. My youngest is GF and Hubby is allergic to dairy. That makes our grocery budget higher then I would like but they have to eat.


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