Grateful March 26

With everything going on with the Corona virus and being in lock down, I thought we could all use a reminder that we are lucky to have all that we do. So I am going to post something I am grateful for everyday while this goes on. I hope you will all join in with me. There is always bad out in the world. Lets shine a light on the good. Stay healthy everyone. 

Today I am grateful for Hubby's job. He is on week 2 of working from home. He does IT and has been working crazy hours but all of them are from our home. We have had to rearrange things. I am currently writing this in the dining room but I can go get a hug from him whenever I need or want one. Hubby works for a great company. The owner has called to check on everyone. They keep sending out emails to see if anyone needs anything. 

What are you grateful for today?


  1. I am grateful that I have some money. And, Tommy has even more, so we are secure that way.

    1. In times like these, savings are important.

    2. I only have a small ss check unlike people who are out of work and have nothing coming in.

  2. I am grateful for my peaceful little apt. even if it doesn't have a balcony. It is getting some well deserved tic at the moment now that I have more time.
    I am grateful for a well stocked pantry that I didn't let run down as I usually would over the winter. Aside from a very occasional trip out back to leave the garbage & recycling & a lonely walk in the park across the street I am staying indoors and won't have to visit a store for ages if I am careful. Will I have everything that I want - No - but will I be just fine - Yes.

    1. I agree with you. Do I have everything I want right now? No. But I have what I need.

    2. I am almost out of ice cream. Will I be sad? Yes. Will I die? No. Then I will make brownies or cookies. Happy to have choices. Long Island is getting bad. No going anywhere anytime soon.

  3. I am grateful that my job is considered essential so I have been able to work since this started. I know many people have had to stay home and while I understand the reason behind this I can't help but worry for those folks.

    1. I have several friends that have been furloughed. Worried for them.

  4. Grateful for FaceTime so I can keep in contact with my sons and their families

  5. Thankful for ENOUGH for myself and to help if it is needed by others.

    1. Glad you have enough to share. I dropped off some potatoes to a friend. Left them on her porch and called to tell her. She was very grateful.

  6. I am thankful I have enough distilled water for my oxygen machine.


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