Grateful March 30

With everything going on with the Corona virus and being in lock down, I thought we could all use a reminder that we are lucky to have all that we do. So I am going to post something I am grateful for everyday while this goes on. I hope you will all join in with me. There is always bad out in the world. Lets shine a light on the good. Stay healthy everyone.

Today I am grateful for my garden. I have been gardening since I was little. My dad always had a vegetable garden and I loved helping him with it. Out of 5 kids I am the only one that grows a vegetable garden too. There were a few years when we lived in an apartment that I didn't have one so I would still help my Dad. Now I start everything from seeds indoors. It has really helped me with everything going on. I planted twice the amount of seeds this year. I figured I could give family and friends my extra plants. I was outside working on my herb pots today. My mint is doing great. I don't think I could kill it if I tried. My basil and parsley are popping up already. Before long I will be picking herbs. I can't wait.

What are you grateful for today? 


  1. I am thankful for all the wonderous gifts of nature we get to enjoy daily

    1. I saw the first cardinal of the season today. Can't wait for the woodpeckers.

  2. I am grateful for the Robin's out in my yard. They remind life goes on & we will overcome this crisis


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