Grateful April 1

With everything going on with the Corona virus and being in lock down, I thought we could all use a reminder that we are lucky to have all that we do. So I am going to post something I am grateful for everyday while this goes on. I hope you will all join in with me. There is always bad out in the world. Lets shine a light on the good. Stay healthy everyone.

Today I am grateful for games. YD dusted off the Wii and we were playing it for hours today. It has been years since I have played the Wii. She kicked my butt, but we still had fun. We have been playing loads of old board games. We are even making my son play. A deck of cards has been sitting out on the table since this started and we have played almost everyday.

What are you grateful for today? 


  1. NOT games. He refuses to play, only cards! He has not dug them out yet. I am grateful that tp showed up and it is plentiful for those who need it. I have plenty.

    1. TP is very important. Thankfully I had gotten some before this started on sale.

  2. I am thankful that I have God and faith in my life - I don't know where I'd be without either

  3. My family, they go to pickup food &meds


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