Grateful April 4

With everything going on with the Corona virus and being in lock down, I thought we could all use a reminder that we are lucky to have all that we do. So I am going to post something I am grateful for everyday while this goes on. I hope you will all join in with me. There is always bad out in the world. Lets shine a light on the good. Stay healthy everyone.

Today I am grateful for good friends. Over the last few weeks I have gotten so many phone calls from my friends to check up on my family. Do we need anything?  I have gotten texts about toilet paper and do I need some. Texts from a friend that was at a store that had eggs and bread. What do we want? Several trades have been going on. One friend ran out of potatoes so I gave her some. She dropped off a bottle of wine as thanks. We are all looking out for each other, not hoarding our supplies. My one friend loves to sew. She is making masks for the hospitals. Now that the CDC said to wear masks, she texted saying that she is making my family some. In times like these, you find out who your true friends are. 

What are you grateful for today? 


  1. I am extremely grateful for Instacart. I am seriously staying at home or Mom's and Instacart deliveries allows me to get groceries for both of us without having to go to the store.

    1. I have never used it before but I will be trying it out this week. It is getting really bad here on Long Island,

  2. I am grateful for all the beautiful weather and the things growing in my garden AND all the food in the refrigerator and house. Have I said all this before?

    1. I am right there with you. Everyday I am thanking good for my pantry.

  3. I am thankful I had parents that taught me to value what I have and to be prepared for anything.

    1. My parents taught me the same thing and I am teaching my kids too.

  4. I am thankful for my optimism. I know this will pass & if we r smart we will learn from it

    1. I am hoping more people near me will start keeping more food in their houses.


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