Grateful April 9

With everything going on with the Corona virus and being in lock down, I thought we could all use a reminder that we are lucky to have all that we do. So I am going to post something I am grateful for everyday while this goes on. I hope you will all join in with me. There is always bad out in the world. Lets shine a light on the good. Stay healthy everyone.

Today I am grateful for my computer and the internet. It is pouring rain outside so there will be no gardening and no walks. So I will be on the computer today a lot. I get to talk to internet friends that have similar interests as me. I get to send my parents pictures because they don't have smartphones. I get to look up new recipes for YD and I to try out. I get to watch cute videos of animals instead of having to watch the news. 

What are you grateful for today? 


  1. I am so VERY thankful that I made it through a horrible storm last night. My friends and family are well too. Had probably the scariest storm that I remember for ages. Much damage done in places not too far away. I am thankful that we are all safe and still have a roof over our heads.

    1. It has been pouring rain all day with bad winds. Nasty! Glad you are safe. Hoping power doesn't go out here. We have the generator but most people don't.

  2. Today I am grateful for leftovers. I have enough to warm up for quick lunches through Sunday.

    1. I love leftovers. That is what we have most days for lunch.

  3. I am thankful for my smart phone. It keeps me in touch with many relitives

  4. I'm grateful for my laptop and internet too because I've been able to keep in touch with friends and family. It helps feed my soul and helps keep me mentally healthy.


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