Adding to my Pantry

The garden is doing wonderful this month. Every day I am outside picking veggies or herbs. I just love all of the colors of my garden veggies. We have been eating based on what needs to be used in the garden. 

Over the weekend I made a huge pot of sauce and then canned it after we ate some for dinner. I got 6 quarts and 3 pints. It is a good start. 

 Then I made 10 jars of refrigerator pickles. Some of these are going to be used in a barter.

I had tart cherry juice that we did not enjoy. So I put my bread machine to work to make jelly. It came out great so I will use the other half of the juice to make a 2nd batch.

I went to visit a friend that just came home from the hospital after surgery. I brought her soup and some veggies from the garden. She insisted that I take some herbs from her pots. I got chives, lavender, sage and cilantro. 

My son is keeping us well supplied in bread thanks to his job. 

I did go shopping some this week. I went to Meat Farms. Garlic was on sale for 99¢ per sleeve. I got marked down squash for $1.59 since mine didn't happen. Grapes were $1.99 a pound. Apples were 99¢ a pound. The roast beef was marked down so I got it for Hubby for lunches. My total was $21.21.

I did grab Hubby soy ice cream and YD veggie burgers when I was near Trader Joes. Total was $7.18.

YD and I went to Stop & Shop to get some food for her that was on sale for school such as granola and rice cakes. She hid them away before I got to take a picture since she didn't want her brother to eat them. I also got a free frosting and hot dog buns. Total was $22.57. My total for groceries this week was $50.97. 

I also added free kitty litter and dog bones to my storage. They were both free thanks to Petco. 

What did you add to you pantry this week? How is your garden doing? Did you start canning anything?


  1. I've been slowly processing a small pot of tomatoes at a time, jarring them and putting into the fridge. Today I should have enough jars to water bath them all. Rah! And the relish making starts today too so I'll be busy in the kitchen(w/the a/c on of course). ;-)

  2. I've done very little shopping, so not adding much to my pantry. I'm going to need to google other uses for bread machines! The jelly looks yummy!

    1. I love my bread machine. I used to make bread all the time but with my son's job now I don't need too. I made the other batch of jelly yesterday. I put some cherries that I had frozen in the food processor and added them in. Its more like a jam. So good. I'm glad I found a use for the juice because I didn't want to throw it out. I had offered it to several people and no one wanted it.

  3. Hi Mcoia and you did really well with all the vegetables from the gardens and free dog bones and kitty litter. I don't know about over there but here in Australia any pet related products are so expensive to buy.

    Here is what we added to our pantry this week -

    - Picked, washed, blanched and froze 1.5 kg of broccoli from the gardens making another 13 meals of broccoli for the freezer.
    - Purchased 20 x 250 g punnets of strawberries for the freezer for 0.95 c per punnet that we washed, chopped and froze. This made 4 x 500 g bags for jam making, 10 x 250 g bags for desserts, we kept 500 g for desserts for 2 days for us which we had with homemade pancakes and another near on 100 g overweight from the punnets for lunch for fruit for myself.
    - A friend gave us 50 x 25 x 35 cm Mylar bags as a thank you for giving his family some fresh vegetables saving us $20.35 over purchasing the same amount in the shops or online.

    Other than that no more shopping done and we will use our other $240 for $200 supermarket grocery e-voucher in late September/early October to top our freezer up with meat, any other 50% off specials we need to top up our food storage with and some pet food.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful week full of opportunities to fill up their pantries with.

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna)

    1. Pet items are expensive here too. The pound of dog bones sells for $5.99 and the cat litter sells for $10.99. Your broccoli sounds great. We love broccoli. The farm stands will have it in September cheap, so I will stock up then. That was nice of you to give your friend veggies and they gave you bags. Everyone gets what they need that way.

  4. You do have some colorful garden produce. I love the purple pepper. I picked our first orange pepper today. We're definitely eating what most needs using from the garden here as well.

    1. This in my first time growing purple peppers. They are much smaller then regular bell peppers but we have got a bunch so I will take it. Great job on the orange peppers. I hope we both grow way more then we can eat.


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