Free Kitty Litter & Dog Bones

Calling all cat and dog owners. Petco is at it again with free items with a coupon. All you need is the coupon and your Petco card which is free to get. If you do not have a Petco card, just go to any Petco and sign up when making the purchase. 

Both expire August 31. I found both offers through CouponProBlog

If you don't have a cat or dog, think about getting them anyway and donating them to an animal shelter or food bank. There are a lot of great organizations out there that would be very happy to get these items. 

Youngest daughter and I went. We both have cards so we were able to get 2 of each. We don't have a cat but I will keep the cat litter. It is good for so many other uses besides a cat. We keep some in our cars during the winter in case we get stuck. It is great for oil and gas spills too. We always find a way to use it so I know it won't be wasted. Oreo loved the bones that she already tried. Lip is coming over in a few days so I know he will enjoy them too.

Feel free to post it in the comment section if you know about any good free deals. Lets help each other get some freebies. 


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