Adding to my Pantry

The clearance racks at supermarkets have not be doing well all summer long. I have gotten an item here or there but not very much. This week changed that. There was a full section and then some additional carts full. The clearance items are only good if you will use them. There was a lot of cat stuff in one cart and we don't have a cat so that was easy to pass. Other items are marked down but I can do better with sales and coupons. You really have to know your prices when you shop clearance. I got lots of goodies at Stop & Shop. 

The coconut chocolate milks were originally $2.99 but marked down to 74¢ each They are shelf stable and dated for 2020. I got 4.

Blueberry Chex cereal was marked down to $1.04. I try to keep cereal under $1.50 so that was good. 

Granola was marked down to 82¢ each. They were originally $3.29. I got 7. YD has been eating it a lot lately and this was very cheap. I hope she likes this kind. If not I will bring it to work and give it to my coworkers. They eat anything.

I think this coffee will be like a mocha. It was marked down to 62¢ each. I got 4. 

 The best deal was the coffee pods. I DO NOT buy these regular price. The coffee machine is my son's and he buys the pods for it. Regular coffee is cheaper but he wanted this, so that was the agreement. I always watch out for the pods on sale. They were originally $15.79 (crazy). I got them marked down for $3.94. 

The box was crushed. It was taped back together. I have bought them like this before and a few are broken. That is the risk I take for buying like this. Well, this time they were perfect. All 36 were there and not one is broken. 

I did get a few other items at Stop & Shop as well. My total was $22.50

I got some free canning lids from Ace Hardware. Hubby had gone there twice over Labor Day weekend and had gotten 2 free $5 off any purchase coupons. I went and stocked up 2 different times. The picture is from the first trip. I got the same thing both times. I paid nothing. They actually owed me 2¢ but in NY you don't get the change. I will always get free canning lids whenever I can. Helps bring the cost of canning down. 

I did a trip to Aldi. I haven't been there in a while. Hubby loves their breakfast sausage and they are the cheapest for steal cut oats. I get the dog food there. My total on groceries was $24.36.

Remember the free $5 coupon I got from Staples last week. Well they emailed me a $10 off $10 purchase. I had a $10 off $20 for your next order that printed out when I was there last week. I asked a manager if I could use all of them together. He said yes. I paid $1.37(NY tax) for the above items. We don't need any more school supplies so I got grocery items instead. The tissues were on sale for a 4 pack for $3.99. The pods were on sale for $11.99 and the soap was on sale for $4.99. I was very happy about that order. Total was $1.37.

I went to BJ's. My membership expired at the end of August. That is $55 plus tax alone. The membership fee comes out of my grocery budget every year. I also needed allergy pills that were $17.49. That goes under my medical budget. I had worked all day 9-5. I was supposed to work 10-3 but my manager texted me early and asked me to come in early since it was raining and there was no school. Then it was crazy so the same manager asked would I stay late. Hours have been short lately so I was happy to stay and get them. Dinner was unplanned and I had to go get milk anyway ($2.19 each) so I grabbed a chicken, $4.99. For getting take out I don't think that is bad. I made mashed potatoes and string beans from the garden when I got home. My total for groceries at BJ's was $130.27. 

Hubby, YD and I stopped at a store on the way home to get soft tacos. They managed to get more then that. I should have ran in myself but it was a new store so we looked around. Big mistake. Total was $18.45. 

 The garden is still doing great. I made another 6 quarts and 1 pint of sauce to add to the pantry. I froze another baggie of chopped jalapenos.  I collected tomato seeds and they are drying. When they are done I will add them to my seed collection for next year. 

My total for the week is a whopping $196.95. I did get a lot of stuff for good prices so I am happy about that. I am still under budget for the year and I have a surplus so I will be OK. 

What did you add to your pantry this week?


  1. You got some great deals. And, the garden stuff is pretty.

  2. Mcoia you did really well for the week and got so much for a small price on clearances and specials :).

    For the 3 months grocery shop we ended up being under budget by $172.30 so we are really happy with that :).

    To our pantry and the household we added over and above our usual stocking levels -
    - 3 dozen free range eggs given to us by a friend who had too many from her chickens.
    - 6 large and 1 small jam jars with lids saved, washed out and given to us from a friend.
    - 133 x 50 ml new amberglass bottles for vanilla & other homemade extracts and essential oils purchased from the tip op shop saving $36.50 on usual prices and we purchased the lids for them new included in the savings too.
    - From the gardens we also added 29 bunches of silverbeet and 2kg of broccoli which we blanched and froze giving us 25 more double meals of vegetables for the freezer.
    - 12 more tins of cat food.
    - 2 boxes of dry cat food.
    - 6 packets of cracker biscuits.
    - 11 bottles of sarsparilla.
    - 1 container of cottage cheese.
    - 2 x bottles of aftershave for DH.
    - 4 packets of cream cheese for cheesecakes and with specials for the groceries we saved an additional $19.70 on top of the $40 for using our $240 for $200 supermarket e -voucher.
    - maybe not pantry related but we also added 1 cubic metre of Ironbark firewood cut for free from a friends farm to prepare for next winter too.

    Hope everyone found ways and specials to top up their pantries too :).

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

    1. You did amazing. I would definitely count the wood. Our pantries are so much more then food. I have medical supplies, pet supplies, school supplies, sewing supplies. Anything we need to get us through. Have a wonderful week.

  3. Your garden is still going gangbusters! Mine has petered out here....
    I got free string cheese, spaghetti sauce very inexpensively, cheap cereal for the kids and cheap whole chickens and London Broil.
    Daughter has a Keurig and those coffee pods are outrageously high! I too only buy them if it's almost a steal. lolz
    Next year when Hubs gets a freebie coupon from the hardware store he has a charge card for I'll have to commandeer it to buy canning jar lids too.....I never think to do that! ;-)

    1. Hubby gives me all coupons and receipts when he gets home. When he is leaving for a store he always asks if I have a coupon or gift card.

      You did great this week. I saw all of the specials you got. You should teach a class to people on low incomes how to grocery shop. You are a master at all of the rewards programs and using coupons and sales.

  4. Wow, your clearance section was on fire this week! I'm going grocery shopping today; hopefully I'll do as well as you have. :)


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