Friday Freebies

So remember the drum set Hubby got free a couple of weeks ago. Well the guy called him the other day and said he came a cross the Iron Cobra double foot pedal. Did he want it for free? Hubby ran out the day. It retails for $200-$400 brand new. That was a great freebie.

Youngest daughter went to the dentist and got some free samples. We get 2 cleanings a year per person included in our insurance so might as well go. We are already paying for it. 

I got 2 more books from Kelloggs Family Rewards. I am giving all of them away with a gift for a new baby. We love to read and I always give a book with a new baby gift. 

We always loved Clifford so I ordered a bunch of them. If you are a member, you should check it out. I earn gift cards several times a year. My parents and sister linked their grocery cards to my account so I get points quickly. They are always doing special promos with purchases. Even if I can't use them, I can usually find someone who will. Other wise it becomes a donation. 

Stop & Shop Friday freebie last week was yogurt. I got strawberry for my son since he will probably be the one who eats it. 

Our neighbor is still cleaning out his house. He gave us another light for our basement. It is unfinished so anything to make it better is wonderful. More light always helps. 

I saw my mom at my family reunion. We swapped bags of stuff. She gave me jars and peanut butter candy. The kids and I ate that fast. She gave me a shirt she got for free that is good for yard work. She also got some notebooks for the kids that she got on sale.  There was also coupons and plastic bags that I will use for dog cleanup. 

Hubby had gotten 2 $5 off any purchase coupons from Ace over Labor Day weekend. I got canning lids with them both. The picture is from one trip. I got 2 wide mouth lids and 2 regular lids. 

I got a bunch of free stuff from Staples by combining 3 coupons. I did have to pay tax. I have plenty of school supplies so I got other items that were on sale that I could add to my storage. 

I garbage picked this cast iron pan. It is in pretty rough shape but cast iron is tough. I will work on it this weekend and try to revive it. 

I met a group of friends for breakfast. I used a gift card to pay for it. One friend gave me some items to use for a church basket. She also gave me a beautiful basket that she had received as a birthday gift. I will be able to make a great raffle basket with it.

Several of us ladies signed up for free library classes. There is a trivia night, a stargazing, a murder mystery, an escape room, a fall and holiday craft and a cooking class. Some of them YD will be doing too. I checked out a book and DVDs from the library. My son needed a book for his english class so the library had it in and he picked it up. I love my library!

The garden is still giving goodies. It is starting to slow down. I am very grateful for all that we have gotten. 

Hubby was offered 2 tickets to the Jets game this weekend. He is taking YD with him because I don't really like football and she does. They will have a nice father/daughter day. 

Did you get any freebies this week? 


  1. Wow, what a great freebie week! Especially the drum pedals, that's wonderful!!!

    I actually just got one today. I had bought a nice skein of yarn from a local yarn shop, but the yarn kept trailing/breaking off from the skein when I knit with it, probably about ten times in the first mitten I made with it, which made for a lot of extra work at the end. I emailed the company about it (I had saved the tag, because it was a nicer- and more expensive- kind of yarn than I normally use, so I wanted to have that around in case anything was wrong with it!), and they apologized and said they'd send me a replacement skein. I got the package today and they had sent TWO! One in the same color I'd worked with, and the other in an absolutely gorgeous variegated fall color, russet and gold and deep red and brown. I LOVE it and am so impressed by their customer service. It does pay to be the squeaky wheel sometimes! :)

    1. Some companies are great to their customers. Enjoy the yarn.

  2. Hi Mcoia and you did fantastically well on the freebies this week and the drum double foot pedals are wonderful along with all the free groceries you were able to get.

    This week we were able to add -
    - 29 bunches of silver beet and 2 kg of broccoli picked from the gardens we blanched and froze to make 23 more double meals of silver beet for the freezer and 2 more meals of broccoli for the freezer.
    - We also separated the last of the cherry tomatoes of the bushes, washed and froze them which will likely make 2 more meals for the freezer.

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna)

  3. I just keep collecting free tomatoes from the relatives--a few here, and a few there. I'm canning them all in various forms. My sister also gave me Italian prunes (plums) and I made plum sauce today. I put in a few extra pepper flakes, and now it has the taste of Thai chili sauce a bit. I'm looking forward to eating it and giving it as gifts.

    I haven't got any of my store freebies, yet, but I did download some coupons.


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