My Frugal list: Week of October 22, 2018

The driveway is finally finished and it looks amazing. We have been saving up for this project for a while and it was so worth the wait. We of course paid for it in full since we no longer use credit cards. It got us 5% off our bill. I was happy to put the 5% into the college fund. It was originally a long single driveway that could hold 3 cars. Now it can hold 6-7. We live on a busy road and have 4 cars so it is great that they all fit in the driveway now. We have to wait a week to park on it. 

Speaking of cars, the car YD drives has been having constant problems. It was turning into a money pit. It was a 1999 Maxima that we bought from friends 3 years ago. It has been a good car but it is much more work then Hubby has time for right now. We sold it 2 days after putting a for sale sign on it. We did disclose everything that is wrong with it. They guy that bought it said he can work on it. We are currently looking for another car. We were shuffling cars between all of us and my sister offered us her extra car so my son has been driving it since YD isn't comfortable driving it. She is driving the car my son normally drives. Hubby has been looking but hasn't found what he wants yet for the price we want. No rush as there are thousands of used cars out there. 

Now that the weather has cooled off, I have been using the oven lots. I made the last ham that I had from after Easter sales last Sunday. I used the veggies that we bought at the farm. Dinner was delicious. I then used the bone to make ham and lentil soup in the crock pot while I was at work. 

 I put several containers in the freezer for easy dinners. We also had ham and cheese omelettes one night. I froze the rest of the ham for future meals. I also cooked my last turkey yesterday. I used thyme from my herb pots.  I am trying to clean out the old stuff to make room for the new. There will be great turkey sales next month so I want to make room. I boiled the bones to make stock. We will be eating several turkey based meals this week. 

I happily accepted lots of freebies this week. 

We are done with all college applications. All of YD's test scores have been sent. All financial documents are done. She has officially applied to all of the colleges that she is interested in attending next fall. Now we wait. 

I went to a free library class with a friend. We had a great time and it didn't cost us anything except the gas to get there. We made a flower out of old book pages. 

I have been working on a few homemade Christmas presents. I have been looking through what I already have to see what I still need to get/make. Lists have been made so I now know what needs to be done. 

Hubby made 2 more batches of hot sauce. He did 1 different from the others that he has already made. It is sweeter then the others. I gave some to a co worker who never had homemade hot sauce before. She was amazed that you could make it at home. 

Hubby has been watching the World Series. He lived for a few years in Massachusetts so you can guess who he is cheering for. 

We paid all but one of our bills online saving me 8 stamps. The one company charges a fee that is more then 50¢ so I will mail them a check. 

I have been busy working extra hours. They extra money is coming in handy with the extra expenses. Usually October is very slow at the movies. I am thankful that this year is different. 

What did you do this week to stay frugal? 


  1. All the food looks yummy! The driveway looks wonderful - they did a good job.
    Good luck finding another vehicle.
    have a good week.

  2. Hi Mcoia and your cooking looks divine and congratulations on having the new driveway put in and paying cash for it :).

    Our savings added up to $206.45 in savings last week :).

    Home organisation -
    - Packed almost 2 complete rooms in the house into boxes with the contents and which room they will go in when we get to our new home.
    - Decluttered and threw out a lot of rubbish.

    Earnings -
    - Made $10 from the sale of 50 g of organically grown English lavender picked and dried from the gardens.

    Purchases -
    - From eBay we purchased a 12 pin - 7 pin trailer adaptor, a 50mm tow ball and and tow ball cover for the new to us Ford Territory (we paid cash for) saving $66.70 over purchasing them locally.

    In the gardens -
    - Harvested 15.25 kg of broad beans saving $106.75 over purchasing them in the shops. We will blanch and freeze them for future meals.
    - Saved a few plants with lots of broad beans on them and are drying the beans for seed stocks to take with us to our new home.
    - Harvested a lot of thyme we currently have drying on a drying rack.
    - Separated 100 g of thyme from thyme we picked and dried from the gardens saving $23 over purchasing it.
    - Weeded 2 x 9 mt garden beds.

    Have a wonderful week ahead everyone :).


    1. Congrats on the new car. Great job paying cash. I love not stressing about loans. I can't believe you already packed 2 rooms. You have been busy. Do over do it.

  3. Your driveway looks great! Paid in full makes it all the better! You did good!

  4. I'm so glad you got the driveway done! I'm sure it's fun to pull into a nice, smooth, perfect driveway:)

    Good luck car shopping. Hopefully, what you want will come along right away.

    I finished my fall canning. Pictures of the last 2 things are on my blog:

    I am sitting in front of a nice cozy fire right now, being very thankful for the wood our friends cut and delivered to us a few weeks ago.

    1. I saw your canning. It looks great. You will be well feed this winter. And warm too thanks to your friends. Enjoy the break. You deserve it.


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