My Frugal List: Week of November 19, 2018

I hope everyone in the US had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We did. OD and her boyfriend came home Tuesday night and stayed through Saturday. We splurged on buying them pizza. I did use a coupon and we did budget for it. Otherwise everything else was cooked at home. I had gotten our turkey on sale for 39¢ a pound. My family all brings food too. It was a very inexpensive holiday overall. 

We pulled out lots of board games wile they were home. We have had some of these games for 15 years and still have fun playing them. We get to sit around and laugh and talk. That is all I want.

We ate plenty of leftovers. I made a bowl of turkey noodle soup with some of them. On Sunday, Hubby made a pot of chili. Stop and Shop had ground beef on sale for $1.99. I froze 4 containers for future meals.

We put up the Christmas tree while OD and BF were here. I spent a $1 on candy canes to decorate it. Everything else we had. We had to work around everyone's work schedules but we got it done. Hubby pulled out all of the other decorations on Saturday. He put up all of our outside stuff since it was nice out. I will work on everything inside all week.

I got several freebies last week. I rolled some CVS ECBs. I have a bunch more now to use.

I have been shopping sales and used coupons for Christmas shopping. We have Amazon Prime so we get free shipping. We have been getting credits to use since we chose the longer shipping. Thinking ahead gets me free money. 

We have been doing our daily items: only running full loads in the washing machine, hanging clothes inside on racks, eating leftovers, washing baggies, batching errands together.

What did you do this week to stay frugal?


  1. Much of the same on the daily items. On Friday took care of the grocery shopping and the store was empty with lots of markdowns on meat and fresh veggies. Saturday we both had to work a few hours so dropped the 3 dogs off for grooming (i just can't do their nails any longer or furminate them) Expensive but they are worth it and much happier when they are clean. Thursday and Sunday we stayed home saving money on fuel and our wallets stayed full.

  2. That chili looks good! I made a ton of chili for the college-aged group at church, but they ate it, and we sent the leftovers home with them for lunches the next day, so my husband and I were commenting that I need to make another pot really soon--the one bowlful I ate was so good--it's that time of year.

    Right now, I have ham and beans in the crock pot, from the 2 ham bones left over from my sister's house when she fed the high schoolers last Sunday. I boiled those 2 bones, since she didn't have time, and gave my mom some of the broth and bits of ham to make her own, froze some, and made ham and beans from the rest. I will take some of that over to my sister today, eat some and freeze the rest.

    I hope to not have to shop much for groceries this coming week. After going to the store at least 7 times in the past week and a half, I'm ready for a break from it, and hopefully, I won't run out of anything. I did buy another gallon of milk on Tuesday, so that should carry us through for several days. I am still cracking up at the fact that I continued to run out of something every time I got home from the store--I still have not been able to replace the poultry seasoning--4 stores (at this count) are simply out of it. It will come back in, and I still have a little bit left. I was working on some sewing, and the "run-out curse" moved over to that:). I didn't buy thread, why would I? I have a bin full. But, despite my digging in that bin and my travel sewing bin, no blue. So, off to the store. Someone tipped me off that Walmart has thread, and it's very close to my house, so I went there. I didn't buy a blue zipper. Why would I? I have a small bin of zippers. But, when it came down to it--no blue one! Good grief!!! Thankfully, I got what I needed and finished that project. On to the next one. Hopefully, I have gray thread! I did get some wonderful deals at JoAnn's last Saturday for some of the projects I'm making. It won't break my heart if I have to go in there again-there are some $1.99 patterns I want to look at. So, maybe I hope I DON'T have gray thread......

    1. All of the college kids are probably very thankful for you and all the other volunteers for the delicious food. Hubby loves eating a bowl of chili while watching football. He will be eating it often. I throw extra beans in so it really helps keep the costs down. I also got the ground beef for $1.99 a pound. I ran again to the store because today was the last day for it. I bought 10 more pounds. Have a wonderful week.


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