Thankful Day 11

Today I am thankful for my friends. Some live very close while others live very far away. Yesterday we were able to spend some time with our friends from Italy. We usually communicate by email or phone, so getting to see them in person was wonderful.

My best girlfriends are truly worth their weight in gold to me. I know I can count on them for anything and they can count on me. We have been through sicknesses together, hard times, kids growing up and loss of a parent. They are there for me if I need to vent or if I just need a hug. We have laughed so hard that I have to run to the bathroom and cried on each others shoulders.

What are you thankful for today?

Thankful Day 10


  1. Memories! I have been quite nostalgic the past couple of days - so happy that God gave us the capability to have memories!

  2. Today being Armistace Day I am thankful for our past and present military personnel who have fought and are currently for our all our freedoms. I would also like to say and special thank you to DH who suffers long term injuries from his active military service.

    May God see it in his power to bring most of these brave men and women home to their families safe.

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).


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